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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. Sonatine? Sonatine? Has anyone heard from Sonatine?
  2. Only if the plane drops out of the air
  3. Good news is that they are starting jabs on Monday in Oz - better late than never, but I anticipate it will be quite some time before I get one. Not quite as crippled as most on here, by the sounds of it, even if I am immuno-suppressed.
  4. You seem to be getting more mellow. Everything okay?
  5. He'd just put it out.
  6. Hopefully Penfold was watching as well - seems like we need it.
  7. I think most of the England team did, as well 🏏
  8. That's the trouble with the youth of today. In the past, they were willing to do something proactive, now they just sit around hoping for a pandemic to do their work for them!
  9. If only it was a secret ballot, it may be a lot closer.
  10. To be fair, he wasn't very good at that, either.
  11. Fox News on stupid steroids
  12. Presumably he must have been right at the front for vaccine, which is a worry.
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