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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. It was down until they took into account the Downing Street parties.
  2. Good post (© Essembee), but that sentence reverberated. You must be young
  3. Does that mean he is twice as good as we thought?
  4. Very good, but don't we have Diego for this insight now?
  5. Fuck's sake! Not only is Asprilla back but we have Rayvin's dissertations in response. Back to the cooking thread.
  6. Love the fact that Man United get relegated to "others" in the second chart
  7. Obviously great for the fan, but Munchausen by proxy? 🤨
  8. Certainly was and still talked about each year they discuss the half-time entertainment.
  9. Fuck's Sake! This transfer window is not going well is it?
  10. Mustn't forget LakeBellsTits, as well.
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