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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. Not sure if this should go here or Only in America, but here you go: Crazy Tactics
  2. I got rid of the fade by putting the clubs away
  3. He's had that for years - now finally got the opportunity
  4. Apparently when I do those they're hook and slice.
  5. Not looking after Charlotte's interests. Shame on you after all she has done for you.
  6. Someone will be sleeping with the fishes
  7. See they have managed to change Test cricket to 20/20 to keep up the interest
  8. Probably assuming some wife swapping later 🙂
  9. When he does die (which of course will be more grieved than anyone in history and certainly more than the Queen) will QAnon have him living with Elvis and Shergar or murdered by the paedophile Democrat elite?
  10. More a case of applause when they don't think silence will be observed?
  11. Presumably eating his own body weight in whatever the national dish of Croatia is.
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