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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. There's probably half that division which is in with a shout of the playoffs.
  2. Not much of a surprise from the man with the thinnest skin in the world - petulant little cry-baby Or ...
  3. Doubt those banning have read them.
  4. He'll be along to tell us that there is no enough money under FFP to do anything.
  5. Try Dixons (order similar if it no longer exists) and spend a couple of hours working out which one to buy. Your indecisiveness will finally shine through. 🙂
  6. Well said. I was going to make the point (perhaps not as eloquently as you), but I seem to have used "cunt" too often recently to have the appropriate impact.
  7. And who says the BBC does not go with the big news?
  8. Fuck's sake - although I revel in your capacity for puns.
  9. Does he really think that, when senior gives up, he will actually be the next cab off the rank for the republican nomination and subsequent presidency?
  10. Can't even argue early onset on that basis
  11. Couldn't wait to get shot of us. Cunt.
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