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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. And Shearer's record should be safe which will please him. 🙂
  2. This is his anti-woke agenda, which means, realistically, pandering to the old white racists and various religious zealots of all flavours who live in his wonderful state. Like Trump, he says what he thinks will get him elected, but it is a concern just how large a majority he has in Florida.
  3. He's even more scary than Trump and seems to be happy to be not-Trump in the hope no one knows what he will really do.
  4. Okay, think I have joined. Likely to forget to update each week, though.
  5. CT finishing 4th again? Not sure how it all works. Just had a quick look at the instructions and will see if I can get my shit together by the beginning of the season. If I call my team Everton, will I be relegated?
  6. Happy Birthday Rents - present on the way
  7. Why is he wearing jodhpurs?
  8. Only problem is that he'll use it as evidence of bias to delay.
  9. Pfft human error v biblical storm #actofgod
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