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Hatful Of Hollow

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Everything posted by Hatful Of Hollow

  1. Do yourself a favour man, shush. It's an old old tactic, meeja types will deliberately say something controversial simply for the outrage it provokes. They know that the number of people who will actually stop buying/listening/reading their shite is insignificant when stacked up against the sheer volume of people who will furiously write off a reply and buy/listen/read next weeks offering in the veign hope the original author will retract his statements with a humble apology to the fine men and women who saw fit to complain. Howay man, Talksport do it week in week out, the tabloids do it. They do it to get people like you up on their high horse. If you're genuinely offended by something that an American (of all people) said, on a website, about the colour of a fucking strip, then by Gods man, you need to adjust your indignity-cannon. He's not going to retract his statemtn, his statement bears little or no relevance to fact or general consensus, so why, oh why could you give the tiniest of rats shit? Precisely. You are right Fish ,I do need to react with a little less volitility.If I had learnt that lesson years ago ,I would not be on first name terms with so many members of the local constabulary. after the first post , which was written more tongue in cheek than anything else,(I should use more smilies) it was not so much the American my bile was aimed at but in fact at the gentleman from the sub continent Know it all twaats who roll their eyes ,make condecending and one word posts and then rely on other people to fight there corner tend to irk me somewhat and I take the attitude that I have rather childishly displayed. I still think you're a tosser Z and a cyber warrior. And just as an aside, I've had to fight for my life because of that strip more time than I care to remember How exactly is Zathras a "Cyber Warrior"? He's put across his point without resorting to insults, or becoming aggressive.
  2. Source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd9vfxoGzcw Deserves everything he gets, despicable attack.
  3. Funnily enough i've just been trying to see that pic, was on that 10 Premier League seasons link that was posted in another thread. Cheers! Wouldn't open for me like, good pic though.
  4. Funnily enough i've just been trying to see that pic, was on that 10 Premier League seasons link that was posted in another thread.
  5. That's 7 players from Man Utd.! Sorry man, but FFS!!! They've been the best team in Premiership history, can't really argue against including several players in a Premiership dream team.
  6. The mackems will be having a field day with this.
  7. Agreed, Del Boy with money wasn't anywhere near as funny as Del Boy without money.
  8. Was watching this the other night, and I remembered how I read some comments (on here or N-O, not sure) about how a lot of people didn't rate the show, and thought it was overrated, which I was surprised at. Personally I love pretty much all of the earlier episodes, and most of the later ones, it's just the last few that left me disappointed, most comedies that run for a prolonged period of time end up becoming stale and unimaginitive. This didn't happen with OFAH 'til quite late on in it's run I feel, the fact that Damien's character was an annoying Ali G-type kid didn't help like. I was reading the other day that there may be a prequel, in which a younger Del is shown, this sounds awful, and hopefully won't go ahead. So, you a fan or not?
  9. Shearer Asprilla Ferdinand Beardsley Weah Zidane Ronaldo Kaka Messi
  10. I wouldn't mind knowing this aswell, tried googling it but it seems overly complicated.
  11. One of the few free-kicks that he actually scores.
  12. Saw that over on N-O, the bit when he falls off the ladder is classic.
  13. I play in said league, infact we played Toon Tastic last night, beat them 3-1, I scored twice. We needed to win to ensure we finished top.
  14. ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead - Mistakes & Regrets
  15. Bet his missus has taken a fair few beatings off him.
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