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Everything posted by Chaser

  1. Fucking ridiculous, there will be an even bigger mutiny than what we saw when Robson left. There wasnt really a mutiny when Robson went. The crowd was split on that. They wont be with this sacking. Maybe I worded that wrong, but Shepherd definitely did himself irrepairable damage sacking him. If KK really has gone, then MA's bubble has most definitely burst. No longer will he be able to enjoy being a fan in the stands
  2. Fucking ridiculous, there will be an even bigger mutiny than what we saw when Robson left.
  3. If this is true, just another day in the debacle of Newcastle United. Why is it we always attract negative press attention?
  4. KK must want to walk, I cant see Ashley kicking him out as he's making a rod for his own back if he does.
  5. Was dying to see some pictures on SSN and we're now getting them Apparently didnt take training this morning
  6. I just think that the more news agencies which report it, the more credibility the piece has to have. BBC have put a piece on their sport website, which usually doesnt report rumour.
  7. Radio Newcastle are now making noises about it.
  8. Why dont you go away and worry about your own plight rather than pester us?
  9. Local rag is following the story now... http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/sport/foo...ewcastle_today/ Reckons Keegans still at the training ground
  10. http://www.setantasports.com/en/Sport/News...ocale/football/
  11. Fucks sake, we shouldnt be talking about a new manager just a day after the window. Rather than worry about who is our next manager, id rather hope that Joe Keegan is staying.
  12. http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8...4085465,00.html
  13. I think the disappointing thing about this window was that there were hints that we would be promised a pot of gold when Ashley took over. Away from the stock market, we would have no-one to please and would be free to go out and buy quality players. Not necessarily compete with Chelsea/Utd in the money stakes but certainly push ourselves towards where Liverpool & Arsenal are in the grand scale of it all. Its turned out to be a very modest transfer window and while the signings that we have seen playing have been promising, the fact that our squad was small last year, losing more players and then replacing those means we still have a small squad. # I dont think all of the rumours flying about regarding harmony in St James' has helped at all, for the confidence of the fans or for the players themselves. If we can have a decent season, I cant see why we cant do a Portsmouth/Everton of last year. That has to be the minimum expectation really or we will continue to lose ground on those above us. I dont think its possible now to spend years in the wildernes then all of a sudden start building and challenging at the top unless you have some serious investment behind you. Seeing how City have all of a sudden just come from nowhere leaves me cold and worrying at the state of football in England. While the players might be a better standard than ever, its becoming less of a competition and more about how much money your owner has to throw at signings. There has to be some regulation sooner or later or clubs just become someones plaything to come in, win a few trophies and disappear.
  14. With the lack of depth in Midfield, Im glad we kept Smith as at least he can be called upon to do a job in CM if needs be. A stronger proposition than some of the younger players.
  15. Aye I thought the break news would be bad news. The fact that SSN havent got hold of it (with all of their sources) suggests that it may well be a storm in a teacup. I hope so
  16. why ? Because you want it to be ? Don't be fuckin daft man, and get your head out of the sand. Get a fucking grip Leazes, the club isnt releasing info to the media purely because they spout their vitriol about us. They need to fill column inches and sell papers thus fabricate stuff that people might want to read.
  17. I do think thats it for us. Just waiting to see if Berb fell through Still odd that we sold Milner without lining up a replacement (unless Jonas was it)
  18. Wasn't that Euros? I was of the belief it was in ££££s seeing as thats UK currency. You don't say. Might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I heard that bloke on SSN give the fee and the wages in Euros, for no apparent reason. Aye, was euros 42mil euro fee 6mil euros a year wage I stand corrected. Mon apologias.
  19. I doubt that was Keegans "1st list" to be honest. A few promising signings in there, hopefully the couple we've got in today will show as much promise.
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