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Everything posted by Chaser

  1. Who's watching this one this afternoon? I struggle to see where the goals are going to come from. Reading win for me unfortunately
  2. ssn was reporting that he was a target for portsmouth earlier
  3. does anyone think that ashley is now asset stripping us to the point where every bit of the club which can be sold is sold before placing us in administration? Why is it that other clubs dont seen to have these issues with take overs yet ours becomes a pantomime?
  4. Im dont know what to believe, but what I do know is that the Ronny and other sheets havent got a clue whats going on. From whats been written, their sources are no better than my mates dads best mates uncle. Ive accepted that we're yet another season wasted (how many rebuilding/wasted seasons have we had since 97? I would say about 8?) and probably more likely to be relegated again than be promoted.
  5. Its not a moat we need its a bridge over troubled waters. Moat floats boat for fat Ash
  6. How on earth is this good business? Young promising defender who we manage to get for very little, and going by Pud's source he wanted to stay. £8 million good deal eh? Makes the £10 million we paid for Colin Cheeney look like a steal doesnt it? The money isnt even going back into the transfer fund, its simply going into that bastards pocket to soften the blow of losing so much cash. I despair.
  7. Thats probably where the story has come from. Sadly, I fully expected this to happen
  8. Gem, I share your sentiments. I have never been more fed up of football as I am at this present time. Its been declining for me for the last few years I would say, probably since around 2007. This ongoing farce however, has really turned me right off. With the ridiculous goings on at our club, and the silly money summer going on elsewhere I just think football as a competition is finished. The governing bodies need to get a grip before it implodes. I check on here everyday to see if there has been any movement in the sale but aside from that I dont really feel compelled to comment on team affairs any longer.
  9. This farce has gone on far too long. Im surprised the FA havent got involved in this as its ruining the club day by day. Surely they cant just look on as a member of the football league just implodes?
  10. For me, its not about the achievements of the man even though he had success almost everywhere he went. The reason why he has been getting such public adoration is the way in which he conducted himself, the way in which he had time for everyone he met and the legacy he has left with his foundation when he could have just left the public eye altogether. Cloughie had a big drink problem which meant he wasnt a perfect role model, even though he was a fantastic manager. Ferguson who probably surpasses any other manager in terms of achievement, cant help being embroiled in mind games and sour grapes each year with whoever he is challenging. Bobby never showed any disrespect to anyone whilst in the spotlight of the media and was always gracious in competition.
  11. Cheers Jimbo... that one's going on my ipod as I type can you put it on iphone????? I cant watch that at the moment. I tried but as soon as I heard local hero starting up I had to switch it off. Will keep it in mind for a few days time
  12. I did exactly that, forgetting that I was at work. Should not have been given the airtime
  13. I heard a couple of hours after others did, and to receive the text message just made my heart sink. I knew he was ill and frail as I had seen the pictures that we all saw, but the news of his passing has still rocked me. I have said to others for years that this day will give me great sadness. I am not afraid to say that as a grown man I have shed a tear for him tonight, he was, is and will always be an inspiration to me, a true gentleman and a role model for everyone in the way they live their life regardless of whether they like football or not. A truly great man, he was graceful, noble and showed enthusiasm and spirit for everything which he did. I was honoured to meet him. His passing is all the more upsetting to think that he has seen his beloved club torn apart, and the world of football in general become a greedy selfish environment. My thoughts go out to his family and those who were close to him. RIP Mr Robson, for you were my hero.
  14. I reckon Carroll will do ok in the Championship, but i'm not confident about Ameobi. He didnt make the grade when he went to Stoke and so I dont think he's going to be any different this time around. I reckon Smith has more of a chance of more goals than him and thats worrying. Goals do however, rely upon service from the midfield. That is something we are not going to get with the current crop of misfits.
  15. You dont often get stuff that hits hard on this board (this side anyway) but that hit me right in the nutsack. Needless to say that following it, it made me have a check around myself. A very courageous post, and thanks for sharing it with us. I wish you all the best for the future bud.
  16. We're in danger of becoming the new Oxford, never mind Bradford or Leeds. Im going away for a week on Thursday morning, and I'm going to try and steer clear of any NUFC news until I return. I just hope that on my return I'll be provided with a pleasant surprise, rather than what I'm expecting.
  17. The only decent one from the 3 Legends was Gatesy, even though he was ex-Sunderland. Miss his input on the show.
  18. I've not made much comment on the plight of the club in recent weeks, but after seeing the last few weeks which have produced little to nothing, I fear the worst is yet to come. I certainly dont see us being promoted in the following season, and I think we will emulate Leeds. We had no quality when we were relegated, morale was at a low both on and off the pitch and we have very little assets with which we can cling onto hope with. Over the next month I foresee very little activity on the takeover, we will be no further to appointing a new permanent manager and I think the few players who we could say could get us out of the mess will be moving onto pastures new. Other Championship teams have a march on us already, and we are a rudderless ship heading for rockier ground. The rot started with Shepherd and continued to greater depths with Ashley. This club has been decimated over the years by mismanagement and poor judgement, and if Shepherd was to return to the helm, we would be jumping back from the fire into the frying pan. Our plight seems currently the worst in the entire football league, and it is a disgrace to think that a club which a firm foot in the top 5 clubs and continues to be one of the biggest in the world is currently collapsing like a pack of cards from the inside out. How long will the fans continue to put up with this? Apathy seems to have been taken to a new level in the last few months, with relegation occurring with little but a whimper. I dont want to see scenes of mongs on Sky Sports but it seems that they are a by-product of some kind of action to prompt those in the know to tell those who provide this club with a base with which it functions what is going on. The contempt with which the current regime have treat the fans is un-disputable. Malaysian investors? I do worry where football is going with all of these takeovers from consortiums and mega rich foreign businessmen. Clubs like Man City and Madrid are spending foolishly far beyond what other clubs could compete with and in the world of modern football it is only money that talks. Competition is dying and FIFA seem to be doing very little to reign these clubs in. In little over 10 years we have seen top earners increase tenfold, with clubs paying £200k after tax!?? One bloke to kick a ball around for 90 minutes a week, train a few times etc whilst we have poor sods like those 18yr old kids going to war to fight for £200 a week. Where is the justification in what these clubs provide? They are about as far away as the average football fan could be. I digress... I dont envisage any light at the end of the tunnel come August and think we are in for much of the same come kick off for the new season.
  19. I always thought they were Mitre Delta Magma's which were the business. Caseys round our end. The better quality of ball meant the leather stayed on rather than them becoming a soggy carcass. When we ended up losing them, someone would always bring out a floater or one of those other plastic balls which were a bit heavier but still shit.
  20. Chaser


    The thing is, someone made him captain. He didnt appear to lead the team on the pitch and off it was practically mute. When we wanted someone to stand up and be counted, he went missing. The effort works both ways, yeah we should have provided a better team to provide him with opportunities, but he should have made an effort both on and off the pitch when we rescued him from his "Madrid hell".
  21. Chaser


    Just like Dyer I hope he gets injured in the first few games and then spends most of the season struggling to regain fitness. Nothing but a blight on this club, took his money and did as little as possible. Never showed promise and was one of 11 reasons for being relegated. We would have been no better off with 10 men in some games.
  22. I think we'll be on hold until the start of the season and then it'll be too late. Year after year we have destroyed pre-season with one thing or another and this season looks to be the worst yet. Unless miracles happen, I see us with no hope in hell of getting promoted. We'll be fortunate to stave off relegation.
  23. Even if we do get ourselves a new board by the end of June, the damage has already been done as the pre-season is on hold until this is sorted. We cant sign any players until then, and I reckon players wont want to be waiting to find out whats going to happen, even if they are interested in moving to us.
  24. because it came from mike ashley maybe?? Maybe I should have worded that better, I'm suspicious about the timing of the statement. Me too, wasnt there something very similar when Keegan resigned?
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