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Everything posted by Chaser

  1. I reckon Bruce will be gone by Sunday. Conte? Gattuso? Howe? There's not many out of work who would be immediately obvious, so will they buy someone out of their contract? Can't see Jose jumping ship even though I've always thought he saw himself here one day. Some noises of Graeme Jones taking temporary charge which will stop the booing against Spurs but you would think they'll want some kind of party, which means new boss and manager both in place.
  2. Never honestly thought we would see this. Unbelievable. Productivity tomorrow morning in Newcastle expected to be record low.
  3. Hadn't seen the news all day, had some mates on Whatsapp rattling on about the Bein deal but didnt think anything else of it. Reading these Twitter posts by those who should be ITK, has really got my pecker twitching.
  4. Murphy totally bottled it. Remind me how much he earns a week?
  5. Still more goals in this. Pleasantly surprised with the performance.
  6. Great player but injury prone unfortunately. We don't seem to have much luck with strikers, the good ones are always crocked and the shit ones never end up with a scratch.
  7. What do we want, Bruce to do well and all to be rosy in SJP or do we hope that the squad isn't strengthened, the team struggles for points and Ashley finally calls time on Bruce? Ultimately I want Ashley to throw the towel on and disappear.
  8. It's a hard watch at the moment, wanting us to win on one hand but wanting us to lose on the other, just to put a modicum of pressure on Bruce to get kicked.
  9. Passes which the attackers can run on to have to be improved. Too many times it's ball into feet and then they can't do anything with it or it stifles the pace of the attack. Maxi and maybe Ronaljonjo are the only ones who seem to be able to see that kind of pass.
  10. To be fair, I think it's been a bit daft the amount of attention he's received as if he's a superstar signing. He's a decent young player, good attitude, works hard in attack. Somehow feel that all those goals might weigh a bit heavy this year.
  11. Aside from Lejeune, the other three were just useful for keeping the seats warm..
  12. Mike's put a bid in for Messi. £10k a week, a share of Brucie's lifetime supply of Tudor cheese & onion and a £5 voucher from Gregg's. "At least we tried".
  13. In today's crazy money, he's still not worth £100mil. But City know he will sell shirts so they can afford to pay more than he's worth. Danny Ings to Villa for £25mil looks to be a good bit of business.
  14. Rafas taken our head of sports science over to Everton so Bruce doesn't do sports science or Tactics. I guess he was sick of looking at the state of our training ground as well.
  15. Got to be sanctions for the way in which they're going about this. If it goes ahead, ban them from domestic competition. If it doesn't, put in some kind of transfer ban or all clubs involved to be docked 40 points. It'll give us some sport at least to see if we can finish above them.
  16. After every game regardless of which channel it is broadcasting, they have the same conversation about the club having the potential and not realising it, about the quality of the football being poor yet no one is levelling that at Bruce. There might be the odd comment on Ashley but largely they highlight how much of a shit show it all is without putting any pressure on who is responsible. Rob Lee made a few comments but even he's being careful what he says. Do we hope for survival for the same dogshit sandwich next year? I can't see anything changing.
  17. Exactly how I feel. Was disappointed we actually scored in the end. We are going absolutely nowhere.
  18. To be fair we're that much a joke you can't help but laugh at the shameless way we go about our business.
  19. If it gets rid of him, it's in our interest then, not his. I'm just hoping it gets to the point where he can't be bothered and just wants shot of it.
  20. Is this not a shrewd move by Ashley? He might get less money (or they might have agreed with him to pay the value anyway as it'll be cheaper than battling court cases) But If we get relegated, are we not then out of the clutches of the Premier League and free to appoint a new owner without their meddling?
  21. I thought the performance was still better than what we've been used to, but the injuries will screw us. Weird how we went half a season by playing deep with little possession and then we completely switch and try to play pressing with high possession. Jeff Linton still can't buy a goal although his movement was better.
  22. Where the fuck has this effort, pressing and commitment been the last 2 months? They've completely changed tactics here, they've been more direct, are playing more expansively and look like they're wanting to win rather than not lose.
  23. My exact thoughts when I was reading it earlier. It's pretty much a non story for any of the media outside of NUFC related outlets yet it's like a new managerial appointment.
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