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Everything posted by Chaser

  1. Don't think Colwill is well. Looks well out of it.
  2. Well I feel we are taking a risk inviting them to come at us.
  3. Not feeling our sit deep and defend position. We need to get our foot on the ball and start taking control again.
  4. Yeah despite his fortune, it's an absolute top drawer finish as there was still a lot to do once he was one on one
  5. Feel we need to be ahead by half time. Our away performances have usually suffered second half.
  6. We must have a number of games he needs to play before it triggers an obligation to buy. How many has he played for us?
  7. As it's been said, I don't think the club wanted Europa. There was no attempt to consolidate the draw, we absolutely committed players forward to try and reach the knockouts in a manner which we have rarely seen with Eddie previously. It was shit or bust. Really enjoyed the CL, we mixed it with some of the biggest teams and were never embarrassed, and if anything the way in which we dominated teams when we had the legs shows how competitive the Premier League is in comparison.
  8. Our luck in general is just shit. How many times have we blamed luck on the results we've had? I've gone through every stage of emotion tonight, fucking gutted we've gone out. 45 minutes ago we were flying.
  9. Well we cant say we didn't give it everything to win tonight. They've absolutely tried.
  10. Not sure what's been in the drinks at half time but this is a different game altogether now
  11. Dortmund need to get their finger out of their arses and quick before PSG get some dodgy decision in their favour. The whole script is written for UEFA to decide the result
  12. Their left hand is ripe to exploit. Leao does nothing to assist in defending. He's their version of Maxi, dangerous on the break but deny him service and he's out of the game completely.
  13. Maignan is walking a fine line there. Already carded and still going on at the Ref.
  14. So is Pep. Lives in the Penthouse. They're probably all in City Suites.
  15. I'm also on a train from Leeds to Newcastle with lads getting the badge in so undoubtedly, the Italians are getting a piece of us either way.
  16. This is definitely the sausage thread. Bedwetters can fuck off onto the other one. Milan will be absolutely dreading coming to our place as they know they have to give a performance to get anything and they'll have seen the state of PSG. We've got another classic night under the lights tonight folks, we're gonna roast them. Wilson turning them over.
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