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Everything posted by Chaser

  1. but that monkey has done some persuading to get 1 FS to approach these players and 2 to get these players on our books. He gets a stay of execution for the moment. If we dont pick up results immediately then ill be surprised and then the calls for his head will be out again.
  2. RESULT - Greatest day in NUFC transfer history??
  3. Cant we bring Olly back in as competition for LB? Has he found another club yet as it appears no football site has him registered as anyone after Saints.
  4. So whats the news then - Solano signed??
  5. JM can only go to Villa on loan - if he is part of the deal as a sale option then its a bad move. if not WELCOME HOME NOBBY!
  6. Looking for a cheap room in Newcastle for a saturday night, 1 only and just the room. Im on a night out with work in a couple of weeks in town and with my workplace being up in that area and me still residing in Teesside im looking for cheapo accommodation. Any recommendations?
  7. Chaser


    rains just started hard again
  8. This storm is a cracker. Its quite difficult to take all this transfer activity in - its like freddy has been reading this board for his ideas
  9. reading into o learys comments it seems that he wants a loan deal or cash. It looks like he's resigned to the fact that he's gonna lose him as his desire is to return home. Fingers crossed.
  10. I like the bit at the end when FF obv said to the other 2 about the questions being very negative and GS comforting Michael saying, "theyre all so negative, dont let it get to you" Im so happy that we've captured him but his comments and his body language suggest that he isnt exactly over the moon at signing for us.
  11. Brought us hope at signing a bright young talent scored a couple of decent goals Sold for a profit Aside from that i think he'll be pretty forgotten as a Newcastle player in a few years down the line as he's not done anything memorable
  12. Whitey on Sky just said that the deal isnt dead and buried just yet despite the ticker at the bottom saying otherwise
  13. im sorry but in my opinion and thousands of others, the guy is a living football legend. Despite not winning anything, he's given this club the best years of his career - and we've certainly seen repayment on the £15 million we paid. Is this a Whooooosh Sima?
  14. I reckon behind closed doors the foundations are already being put in place for Shearer to take over. The fact that he was at the meeting, is in a coaching role, has 1 season left all hints that this might be the situation. It doesnt have to be ideal for any of us fans - it ties in nicely with FFs decision to have a Geordie manager at the helm. If this is the case, then i hope to god that he is semi successful because anything less would result in his god like status being removed.
  15. It seems that everyone with some say at the club has been at this meeting according to the BBC. I think if Owen does come, then we can thank Shearer for engineering the deal as it seems from what he's said, that he has spent a lot of time negotiating with Owen to come to us. He's obviously talked through the experiences he's had while he's been here, told him that he'll be the next manager and that there are some cracking golf courses in the area where he can while away the hours. The fact that we're desperate for a forward and that there is a void for every first team game which needs filling will also no doubt add to the pull factor.
  16. I think i would have renewed if my circumstances would have dictated so, but because of work commitments it means i can no longer guarantee availability on a weekend. With FF freezing the price of ST this season its not going to bite any further into the pocket, but if we have a poor season (as bad as or worse than last year) then i think people will vote with their feet. It would be interesting to see if any of those leaving the prem grounds were going instead to lower league or (fantasy thought) visiting non league grounds to see lads playing for the love of the game. The star striker at xxxxx albany league team probably turns up for training in a soft top R reg Megane rather than a brand spanking hummer or Ferrari.
  17. Im in the Bowyer stay camp. He's a nasty piece of work at times, but his fully committed style of play does it for me. He tackles, gets forward and isnt afraid to have a shot. Links up midfield and forwards well. Id rather see no-one go and instead bring more players in. Are we a selling club now?
  18. its just about to hit 60k - get about 36mpg from it combined so pretty good for a 1.8
  19. Howay man, theres nowt wrong with some shameless advertising - we're all friends here If no'1s interested then ill ditch the post Autotrader rang me up tonight and said "we've got an offer on - £36 for 2 weeks in the trader and on the net, 30 words and a picture" I said i was looking to trade it in and she gives it "well how about trying us first - im only trying to get you a couple of hundred extra" - nice try love but better luck next time...
  20. As this is perused by many a north-easterner, just thought id use a bit of free advertising to ask if anyone was interested in my motor. Its a 218iS only group 9 ins, fully loaded with all the electrics you can throw at it - sunroof, windows, mirrors, central locking, alarm & Immob, Spoiler, Alloys, fogs, Service history and T&T for 4months. im asking £1600 ono
  21. Why wont the club try and get Bernard back? He was always committed and didnt appear to want to leave. Crazy at bringing some playboy italian in who's never played in the prem before when Bernard is just waiting on a club to pick him up
  22. Id still rather keep Bowyer than get a paltry "undisclosed fee" for him. I like the way he keeps running and he links well between midfield and the forwards.
  23. This sickens me, especially when you see Bernard talking to Sunderland about going there. We should have snapped him up as soon as he was released by Saints
  24. Good video, it makes me sad to think that we took that for granted and 12 months on we're staring at an abyss
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