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Everything posted by Chaser

  1. aye dont like winter. I reckon SAD affects me more than i care to let on. Im already getting up and its dark.
  2. The cops get a bad deal because of word of mouth IMO. Someone may get a hard time by one cop without giving the whole story - e.g someone gets "a good kicking" by a cop meaning that theyve been hit with the baton a few times, possibly punched or struck in some manner. What they didnt tell was that theyve resisted or even had a go themselves. This then gets passed on and it gets out of hand. In every job you get good and bad, and the problem is weeding out bad cops out of the job. You will get cops on the Metro with an obligation to act if they come against any aggro. They get free Metro travel in return for their services when required. A lot of the time it comes down to manpower too
  3. Got a few games which ive not used in a while now and looking to trade them in as it seems too much hassle to bother we ebay for the odd quid here and there. Got Medal of Honor frontline and Rising sun, PES3 and NFSU2 to get rid of
  4. Agree with that, if the law could sort them they wouldnt be doing it in the first place. Mate of mine went to the trouble of prosecuting a few years ago and had his name and address read out in court, had the rest of the family threatening to burn down his house etc. It's not worth the aggro for you. When I was a kid I was legally threatened by a cop if I wouldn't go to court about something I saw, I told him to get fucked and luckily my mother stood by me. Only thing worse than the charvers is the cops. 34483[/snapback] aye, all bastards! still the first person you will ring when your car gets nicked 34861[/snapback] If it's a neccessity for the insurance paper work then yes. Honestly, why would you ring the cops when someone breaks the law? 34868[/snapback] Bit of harsh criticism is it not? Seem to be a fair few anti-cop posters on here. Have you all got something to hide??
  5. Ive learnt something about this subculture the last few days - it seems that the common theme among many of those "charvers" who cause trouble (not all do - some just want to look "cool" wearing the clothing?!) is their background. Many come from poor families or from care homes where serial offenders of an older age mix with impressionable kids who then go on to develop into offenders themselves. A lack of attention to education from the family develops into a lack of education, in turn boredom influences these youngsters into committing crime for a buzz. Many turn to drugs and one of the most common is Ecstasy. Mixed with booze, its a combination to fear when these people are walking the streets. Its amazing to see where the morals of these kids lie and listening to some, you wouldnt believe what they consider immoral considering the crimes which they have committed. Many of us dont see the world in which these kids live, because its swept under the carpet and isolated to troublesome estates. However its alarming to think that these kids will have children of their own who through a lack of care, will also turn out the same way. Its not just the latest generation to blame, generations of neglect have led to this happening.
  6. on a few of the other threads we have harped on about Souness hanging by a thread, with every game being his last. We've seen an awful overall performance end in 3 goals and 3 points. If Souness does go before the end of the season though, who could or would want to replace him? When we bring in new managers, they usually clear out many of the players from the previous regime - something which couldnt be done with a team that has been assembled over the last 12 months. Who would be the possible candidates?
  7. First half i was shouting at the TV for the negative football we were producing. The ball went back more times than forward when we were in possession. We made Blackburn look like a half decent team. In particular, Baba and Faye were awful and looked totally out of their depth. Its easy to forget that we were playing with none of our first 11 midfield, something which obviously makes a big difference to any game. But the lack of organisation of the side that was on the pitch today suggests that Souness has little clue. On Sky it said that GS had said that he was not responsible for motivating the players - and that they were big enough to motivate themselves. If the manager doesnt motivate or instruct them of any tactics - what does he actually do????
  8. well ive got a Belkin 54mbps sitting here on my desk but not sure if i should take it back and get 125mbps. Im just wondering if the router will make little difference when Ntl are just bashing out a 0.5meg connection
  9. dragging this one up to the top for some help from net geeks Ive got a lappy with 802.11g wifi card and im going to buy a wireless router. Ive got NTL broadband (1 meg connection i think) so is it best to get 54mbps or 125mbps? Ill probably buy Belkin as ive got one of their wired routers and im quite pleased with it
  10. Isegrim, you couldnt be further from the truth - once im trained ill be locking up the car thieves.
  11. err, i take it you work at Belasis Business park? Just before you slag Billingham off, i suggest you drive (or walk) around the town (not the town centre) and see that it isnt all a S**thole. I live there and i dont live in a bad area, the pub i drink in is decent with a good mix of folk who have worked hard for their money. Where do you live Gem?? I work in Durham at the moment and i have to commute but will be working in Sunderland once im fully trained.
  12. With prices up at almost £1 a litre and over that in some independant stations, it looks imminant that we will see protesting across the country at refineries. Whether these will develop into blockades remains to be seen Personally i think that its disgusting that we are forced to pay such ridiculous prices for fuel. Fuel affects everything and everyone - a higher cost in fuel means that services and prices in shops will rise as prices of shipping rises. 47.1p of every litre goes to the government as a direct tax. 17.5% VAT also adds to this figure, giving the government 64.6p for every litre at £1. The cost of the refined product to produce is around 30p so the other 6p is shared between the profit of the refiner and the profit from the garage forecourt. Americans who use the most oil in the world (currently) are paying half of what we pay and they too are up in arms. What are your views on the latest threats of action? in favour?
  13. i was just thinking before i came on here of posting a Faye vs Clark post but it doesnt surprise me that someone has already done it. 52000 people could see that Clark is better than Faye and the 100% vote so far for Clark confirms that everyone agrees. How did we ever sign him? I bet Portsmouth were laughing behind our backs when we did.
  14. seems as if Gers and .com were reading this thread last night
  15. signing of the day? We're up to page 27 ahead of Owen thread of 23?
  16. well considering we only have Baba, surely we're moving forward by signing Bernard if you think he's better than Baba?
  17. anyone who had solano on the back of their shirt can now whip it out again and wear with pride J69, just a stab in the dark really mate, i just thought i recognised the body
  18. best news since.... ....we signed Michael Owen at lunchtime! What a day!
  19. just back from the pub to check on activity. Thought it would be done and dusted by now - do we expect an announcement before midnight? There'll be tears before bedtime if we dont J69, is that lass of yours called Sarah by any chance?
  20. It was cringeworthy - he even acknowledged it himself earlier when he said "myself and owen were both stunned by the reception and you can see that" more like "im rubbish at this presenting thing and i was trying to get a night owls slot"
  21. i have reasons why that wouldnt be a good idea.... result, night is starting in Jesmond, so not far to trek back
  22. probably better positionally than Baba - and rarely injured. Loved a good clattering every game
  23. maybe you should adjust your sig Isegrim.....
  24. i cant understand why he needs trials at these clubs - he was a good player for us and was seldom injured. On a free, would have been good to see Olly back in the black n White
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