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Everything posted by Chaser

  1. 6 months on and sentiments havent really changed. I think there was a blip when we went on a signing spree of owen/solano/clark etc. I was hoping id be proven wrong but it seems to be panning out as i predicted
  2. i dont remember him being as bad when he first came as he is now. I seem to remember him having the pace to clear things up, make some well timed tackles etc however he seems to have got a LOT worse. I know he's had family problems but i thought he was over those
  3. i cant believe he's got international experience when we consider our young lads Taylor and Ramage better than him
  4. Embarrassing tbh Very dodgy that this guy was sold to us for £8million - he's not worth 800k with the performances he's putting in of late.
  5. sound good from what ive heard, will have to get the album for a proper listen Boyo what would you prefer to listen to ??
  6. we're the laughing stock of the country. We've had Keegan and Bobby stabilise the ship however we cant afford to keep getting it wrong in between. If we sack Souness now, then i cant see us having many options if any at all to replace him. I think Shepherd says too much to the media and other managers can see that. Boro are in worse position than us yet i dont hear Gibbo using the Gazzette to mouth off about McClaren. Its a very sorry position we are in and i dont see it getting any better in the short term. But we cant just sack the manager then think about what we're going to do afterwards. The last time we did that, we ended up with Souness. The caretaker situation of Glen Roeder fills me with dread.
  7. Its funny how a lot of people have forgotten about Iain Dowie. Last year, he was one of the names most people were putting about when souey was under pressure last season. He's still done a hell of a job at palace despite them being back in the Championship. Jewell seems to have struck it lucky with Wigan but didnt do so well with Bradford. Allardyce plays long ball football - i cant see many people being too happy with that style of play up here. Keegan - did it with us first time round but then had faltering success with Fulham, Citeh and England. His return would stain his status if he came back as we'd never be as good 2nd time around. Graham - too long out of the game. Boring Boring Arsenal.
  8. lack of luck cant be what has decimated our squad - its got to be the training methods which are contributing to the problem
  9. staggering to think the amount of money we spent in pre season only to be served up a load of injuries and a big dollop of tripe on the pitch. i dont think FF can swallow his pride and admit he was wrong.
  10. Well when Chris Turner left, pools were flying in the 3rd division. Bringing a new manager in could have upset the cart, however Newell came in and maintained the run getting them promotion. There are a lot of stories surrounding his behaviour whilst at the club but its all hearsay. No-one at the club has ever come out to say what actually happened.
  11. potential banana skin but we should get through
  12. Aye id probably agree that FS might have this in mind if he gives Souey the boot. The arguments for and against him have already been discussed, however i wouldnt be surprised if Shearer had a word with Mike Newell and had a ' 'arry & Jim' kind of partnership. Newell has done a good job with all the clubs he's been at. I was impressed with him when he managed Hartlepool and he's gone on from there to be a success with Luton.
  13. i like the guy, arrogant, full of himself, but he's prepared to be no-ones monkey and doesnt mind care about being controversial. Fair play to him
  14. I'd hang myself from the Tyne Bridge if that happened. 74259[/snapback] If Roeder takes charge, we'll do a West Ham when he took them over - straight down into Div 1 and then we will be screwed 74293[/snapback] Wasn't it Trevor Brooking the manager that got West Ham relegated ? 74294[/snapback] Correct. Also, Roeder led West Ham to 7th in his first season IIRC. 74295[/snapback] Roeder did most of the damage in that 2nd season tho to which Brooking stepped in but couldnt do enough.
  15. I'd hang myself from the Tyne Bridge if that happened. 74259[/snapback] If Roeder takes charge, we'll do a West Ham when he took them over - straight down into Div 1 and then we will be screwed
  16. ive seen that "especial-luque" video that someone put on here a while back (i have it but nowhere to host it) and i can say that if he produces that stuff while he's here, he'll be a hero for us. Just give him time.
  17. anyone feel that this could be one of ours? http://www.thedoghouse.co.uk/Articles.asp?...GiftsPerPage=25
  18. If a few thousand decided to do it, i think you'd find Sky getting onto the case. Even if this fails, the crowd have to be unified in chanting their opinion, something i dont feel happens enough at SJP these days
  19. no but mido just has 2-0 souness out in FFs new years resolution
  20. the bloke from toon faith is spot on about his whinging. If we were winning games then people wouldnt be complaining. I think Souness is looking for any excuse to blame for the teams appalling performances. Im still hoping for a result today
  21. thatll probably explain charltons recent slip in form. Murphy was outstanding while they were on their run. Since his form has dipped, they havent performed nearly as well. Good business if its true
  22. other side of the story http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/e...onf/4501572.stm Gazza disputes Ladak drink claims I thought football was what he needed, but being a manager has pushed him the other way Kettering owner Imraan Ladak Paul Gascoigne has denied claims from Kettering owner Imraan Ladak that his position as manager was made untenable because he had begun drinking again. Gascoigne, 38, was sacked on Monday but said he was actually axed because he would not run the team as Ladak wanted. "I had a double brandy before one of the games, but it used to be four bottles of whiskey a day - it's not now," Gascoigne told Sky Sports News. "I had a glass of wine after one game and told him to stay out of the team." Ladak says he had no choice but to sack Gascoigne as manager because the former England star was "under the influence of alcohol" in the post. Ladak told BBC Radio Five Live: "If you are a recovering alcoholic there is no reason to drink but Paul thinks it is okay. "He feels I should have done more - but I have had conversations with him he can't remember because he was drunk." Ladak believes the 38-year-old needs to get help before he considers returning to the game. "I thought football was what he needed, but being a manager has pushed him the other way," added Ladak. "Only Paul can help Paul. No friends or counsellor can do it for him and when he is ready to help himself he will. "This is the most difficult decision I've had to make in my life. I would have loved to have sorted him out but I felt I would have been gambling with the club." Gascoigne now says he wants to buy out Ladak's stake in the Poppies and move the club forward, despite Kevin Wilson's re-appointment as manager. "He's not the chairman, he's Imraan the doctor," added Gascoigne. "I'm Paul Gascoigne and I take charge of this club. "I'm a multi-millionnaire and I'm angry. I've tried to buy him out already. I told him it was the fans and Paul Gascoigne against a doctor - who will win? "I know that the supporters, the players and the staff of Kettering Town are all behind me, not him. "Two years ago I would have given in but not now. I'm a genius and I know what's going on on the football field."
  23. either way, sounds like the owner is meddling with the team. Seems like there has been "differences" between them
  24. cant think of any an absolute titus
  25. You still not managed to flog that yet? 56384[/snapback] you tried flogging a Rover lately? For a grand it is a LOT of car. when i passed my test, the Fiesta cost me a grand and it too was 8 years old. no electric anything, no power, and not much comfort. Like my sales pitch?
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