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Craig last won the day on January 4 2023

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About Craig

  • Birthday 07/08/1977

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    Tony Hart's desk...

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  1. it looks like something out of Pigeon Street. if I was having a magpie, I’d have the one that appeared on both the ‘round’ club badges, but each to their own.
  2. The thing I find remarkable having listened to that is they gave Bruce the game against Spurs. Bloke is an absolute tactical fraud who is just a ‘name’ rather than a talent. There’s a reason he was never selected for England… Totally vindicates the shit Alex Bruce used to get too.
  3. They’ve badly misread the memo on this one. And they can go on about needing to understand numbers all they like, I don’t remember any booking system for Covent Garden or Trafalgar Square 2 years ago yet neither had an ounce of issue. Prioritising interest lists is what’s got my back up. ST holders had that for the final itself, now they want to double-down and given them priority to see a trophy most of them have already seen once already? Priority should be neutral on this. Last parade I remember was in 1993. No tickets, no registered interest, just an open top bus from Gosforth to the Civic Centre with tens of thousands lining the streets to greet the team. It was magical - in many ways because there was minimal organisation.
  4. Yeah I’ve definitely had tetanus booster several times. This ain’t at all pleasant mind.
  5. Allegedly there was some huge scare about the vaccine back in the 70s and my Mam, rest her soul, thought it better for me to avoid having it! 2nd time I've had it ... last time, I was 4!
  6. Whooping Cough FFS 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’ve been unwell since last Wednesday and thought it was just good old man flu. Obviously I couldn’t possibly let it interfere with Covent Garden or Wembley but when I scared the shit out of wor lass by, in her words, trying my utmost to turn my lungs inside out she said enough was enough and insisted I got a GP appointment. It’s not pleasant.
  7. Craig

    Eddie Howe

    For total authenticity can we have a tiny Alexis MacAllister looking in completely the wrong direction?
  8. We don’t sign world class players … apart from the two who they apoplectic about not signing for them and have coveted them both ever since. what a load of bollocks
  9. This has absolutely done me in. 😭
  10. And this is Carragher … lifelong Evertonian. Until he signed for their biggest rivals. He has zero credence for me
  11. The sheer enormity of what we achieved on Sunday is only just starting to land with me. It’s not just WHAT we did, it’s the manner in which we did it to get the monkey off our back that fills me with unmeasurable pride and emotion. - Beat the clubs in the top 4 English places. - Played the runaway league leaders in the final. - Ended this 70 year / 56 year hex. - Very much put to bed the argument that NUFC don’t turn up to finals. - Did it without Gordon, Botman & Hall. Any mitigation contrary fuckers could use to diminish what was achieved, we have an answer for. We didn’t win this through circumstance; we won it because we deserved it. It might sound trite to say so but I think it is a natural thing to think back to those you’ve lost at times like this. When I was stood there at Wembley on Sunday watching my club running round the pitch like I’ve enviously witnesses dozens and dozens of other clubs do so in the 40 years I’ve supported this club made me think of my Grandad who I lost in 1991, my Nan who I lost in 1996 and my Mam who I lost in 1997. All of them were forever willing NUFC to win something to put a smile on my face. So yeah, when that finally happened I looked up, pointed up and quietly said “we’ve done it at last!” This fucking club, man. It’s a privilege and a curse wrapped together to support it, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  12. Funny enough the first pisshead who sprung to mind when I saw this was Papa Larazu - even MF could reach that high 😂
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