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Everything posted by 80-2

  1. I'm actually a fan of at least considering something along the lines of national service... but unfortunately, thats entirely irrelevent to this case (not that you're saying it is, but anyway...). Indeed, this sort of case isn't at all right for whats being discussed. It isn't about someone having "so little regard for others" or thinking they'll get away with it, or what have you. Its about straightforward dangerous psychopathy. What appears to need looking at is the individuals and infrastructure who have left a sexual predator on the streets. I'm a libertarian, but risks can't be taken with such individuals. Really? I'd not heard about that. Fucking Dutch... It doesn't have to be mutually exclusive, of course, but I suppose thats going off-topic... Seeing as its already sort of been raised, what do people think prison is for - punishment, rehabilitation (by whatever means - you might think punishment will help rehabilitate them) or a bit of both (if so, what ratio?)? I'm firmly on the rehabilitation side, though I believe that many of the more petty, younger criminals do just want some fairly basic sterness - probably allied to the knowledge that the system really does want them to civilise themselves and enjoy their lives. Primal Scream therepy isn't going to help a lad who's been on crack since he was 13, has a smack-addicted prostitute for a mother and a trick for a father. The thing is, though, what do you do about the dangerous and un-rehabitable? Sexual predators, psychopaths and those with certain personality disorders (often the same thing, like...)? Its at this point that execution begins to cross my mind.
  2. It's just occurred to me that if Blackburn injure Owen, I'll fucking... Anyway. What do you mean by acceptable? Aceptable as in "anything less and he should be sacked immediately", or what? Being a bit less harsh than that, I'd say between 17 and 14 points, the latter allowing for a ref to ruin a match or two. Sackable would be 1/5/2 - 8 points - though if we were playing in that manner, I'd already expect him to be gone...
  3. A funny old place indeed. What were you doing out there? I don't suppose it was to do with the oil pipe, was it? 26967[/snapback] Have you ever though about rounding down your name to 40-1? 26969[/snapback] The precedent was set with 100-30 - keep things illogical and confuse Johnny Foreigner.
  4. A funny old place indeed. What were you doing out there? I don't suppose it was to do with the oil pipe, was it? Edit: Actually, I seem to recall asking you this on a previous occasion...
  5. He felt that Bellamy was too good to get rid of for such purposes, though. He's a much more versatile player, too. Again, part of what landed him in the "final troubles" was that accidental revelation that he preferred playing with Kluivert to Shearer. Contrast this with Solano, who's game is ideally suited to swinging in peaches that can be stuck in the back of the net. He can also play a different sort of game, but his bread and butter is the traditional stuff that an ageing Shearer could still thrive upon. Only a Nobby-ectomy would dry up one of Shearer's richest resources.
  6. As I read this morning that he'd signed I couldn't help thinking his sale was the first major sign for me that Bobby was losing it. His reasons were shite and the crap about "We have players who can play there" seemed out of step with his previously excellent crack. The post-match bullshit seemed to appear more and more after that. 26023[/snapback] I agree. He started losing the support from this moment. What before was gospel became drivel. His post match interviews weren't funny any more and started to be embarrassing. And playing Bowyer in Nobby's position just topped it for me... 26024[/snapback] It was the out-right lies that were most bothersome. His constant insistance that it was Nobby who wanted to leave, when you could see in his eyes that he didn't even believe that himself. He also insisted that we had more than enough replacements for the right-wing in Kieron "you ruined my career by playing me on the right-wing" Dyer, Jermaine "I need to play in the centre" Jenas, Lee "I'm admittedly shit on the right-wing and think Nobby should be playing there" Bowyer and Darren "Platini" Ambrose. Last night, something actually occurred to me about the deal, though. We all know that Robson was wanting to be pro-active in resolving the Shearer "situation" (tired legs that need resting, imminent retirement, replacements needed) - an admirable stance, in my view -, and had wanted to accept an offer from Liverpool to move the club on - whether that was a good idea or not was debatable, of course, but later problems that saw him sacked may've vindicated his view. The thing about Robson is that he could be quite canny in getting his way, sometimes, and I've thought to myself - did Robson get rid of Shearer's main supply man to try and aid his arguement? Was he attempting, ultimately unsuccessfully, to change our style of play and leave Shearer obsolete? Probably not. It was brain-food for a minute or two, though.
  7. He does have his upside, though. We should always be thankful to him for reminding us of the plight his good friend Marcelino went through in his time at our club. It could've been amputated, you know.
  8. Rangers here - though good luck to just about anyone else who can break things up and restore a bit of competition.
  9. I couldn't be bothered to spend 10 minutes thinking of someone who could fit the bill after a 15 page debate on the subject. My drift was easy enough to get, wasn't it? I've invented an extremely classy, but reletively unknown, forward from Schalke 04. He's Dutch, his name is Joop Leemans. The only real downside is a faintly disturbing penchant he possesses for leather trousers.
  10. A good and, for an outsider particularly, well-observed piece. Without wanting to bring things down too much, I honestly believe we would've gone for Owen ahead of a fictional willing player, who would've cost £14m and been 10% better.
  11. 80-2


    I take it you've got microfilters, is that correct? Hell of a first post, this one.
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