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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Looks like Benedict Cumbersnatch.
  2. Just had a look on twitter, people are following private jets from Dubai to see if they are heading to Newcastle.
  3. I bet they haven't even bought an executive box yet.
  4. LOL Only Sunderland can fuck things up this majestically.
  5. To be fair to him, that has been of no help whatsoever to Man City.
  6. In fairness, I can appreciate their excitement for this final given their qualifying run started in 2016.
  7. That's so incredibly poorly timed it looks like a deliberate, cynical hack.
  8. Mackens, loved all over the world but nee idea how to get there.
  9. I saw loads. What was missing was people who couldn’t spell for shit.
  10. Having a bairn recently has been a worthy distraction from all this horseshit. As a bonus, if there’s no deal we’ll have something to eat too.
  11. Bloody idiots. That had me foaming at the mouth.
  12. Nay kids give up seats on buses anymore man. Wor lass over 8 months pregnant and the little bastard sitting next to me didn't flinch.
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