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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. #Broken #Can #CustomerService #BetterThanMusk
  2. The oldest thing he’s ever picked up.
  3. Just chill your piss and fizz it up in the soda stream. Suitable for #deluxe #enemas and #middle-earth #entrepreneurial #delusions.
  4. French got their timing right. We are fucked forever as the levers of control are much bigger now. Any attempts to revise things for the people will be perpetually quashed. I can’t stop thinking about the despicable, illegal vans outside polling stations depicting Corbyn as pretty much Satan. They completely got away with that. When things settle down I think we’re moving to France. Fuck all the shit England has going on. I’m sick of thinking about it. Caught between an abusive, extortive establishment and a fecklessly proud to be servile mass. It’s a twisted place. Plus I’ll get to hang out with Chez.
  5. #cragside #freewifi #lovaltycardoncreamteas
  6. Which public building is he using for these photos and is he only allowed in one corner of it?
  7. Never tried that. I’ve had speed on my cereal a few times.
  8. Be careful what we wish for?! Over a decade of utter fucking meaningless pish, lies, villainy, has beens, never weres and never should've beens we've endured. Should we just wish for it to persist? What is the point of football if you don't wish for goals, points, cups or CUNTING ENTERTAINMENT? Fuck off you eat-an-apple-through-a-picket-fence, spastic robot, stick insect, not fucking funny, wanker cunt.
  9. Are we just having one continuous match thread now? I hope so because they don’t deserve one each.
  10. Happy Christmas from the last standing wipe of tier 2.
  11. Devastating to read. I am deeply sorry for your loss.
  12. Last of Us 2, on the hardest setting. Probably take me until 2077 to finish it.
  13. Why are we not allowed to watch the performance?
  14. https://twitter.com/Legolas/status/1336768342993104899?s=20
  15. Why, in every photo, does Gandaft look like his mam is behind the camera?
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