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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/boris-johnson-wanted-infected-covid-24185610
  2. Reading this waiting for a pop at the mackems to be sprinkled in. Not disappointed. 😂
  3. Was that line cited in your divorce?
  4. I got mine for nout, if they go back to nout then it's been a wild ride. I have a diverse portfolio, as anyone should. This is the riskiest end of it.
  5. Blitcoin would probably do well. There’s already one called Cumrocket ffs.
  6. Brighton. Which might put you off twice.
  7. This was pushed through our door tonight. I’ve blotted the number out to save MF a very long drive. They’ve done the whole street apparently, my neighbour has already reported it. Bit thoughtless, they could’ve waited until after my birthday.
  8. Took my bitcoin off the exchange a few months ago and last month put it into cold storage. $1m or zero. Let’s see. I had 99 ETH 4 years ago. Oooof.
  9. Was your first Pfizer or is it happy hour?
  10. Tictacal genius.😂 ”whey man what ye shud be deein is eatin 4 green uns with 3 red”.
  11. WTF? How do the public decide that? Paulo Tossconi is a known sitter, Rolando Cajones voted for Brexit and Jedward Cockrot has a Muhammed Shed! Who gets the bonus? YOU decide.
  12. I hope this goes through, it'll push Sunderland down another rung.
  13. Do we still have any legal types on here? Our bairn's nursery - the hourly rate at which is about as expensive as a Thai prostitute - is insisting we pay for sessions which do not occur. And by that I mean when the building is closed on Bank Holidays but my son is ordinarily rostered in on a Monday. WE ARE CLOSED - YOU STILL PAY. It is a council run facility but the nursery set the policy. Do my consumer rights protect me from paying for a service which the service provider is preventing me from receiving? I really don't want to go postal down there as the next nearest nursery is a further 3 minute walk away.
  14. Had mine yesterday. AZ. Felt a bit heady last night and fairly lazy today but I’m fairly lazy every day. Some of my mates have carried on as if they’re dying. Absolute jessies.
  15. That poor dog is going to be from a broken home.
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