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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Ashley's perfect season - Newcastle in the relegation zone all season with the fans utterly furious/disheartened/apathetic and a manager who is largely despised. Fluke out of relegation zone with one or two matches to go and survive, giving two Vs to all those who doubted his "wisdom". Repeat ad nauseam. Obese people tend to live 6-14 years less than average. This could see him dead by 2031.
  2. Surely the training goes better without Bruce irrespective? I'll pay for the fat cunts two seats to the Algarve.
  3. and the dog would bark and you’d be banned from his house. And your travelling army of sympathetic supporters would be taken away from you and thrown in the bin.
  4. 1. gravy, 2. chip shop curry sauce
  5. Can you share any anyway?
  6. What a cunt. You imagine he has that attitude at a breakfast buffet? Like fuck. He’ll be hovering for the sausage drop and snaffling all the bacon. The fat cunt.
  7. BBC sucks ass. At least on some specialist websites it does.
  8. Are these still available?
  9. Italians I know reckon the “tactical yellow” was genius. Different attitudes.
  10. Amazing album. His new one should be good, he’s had fuck all else to do for 18 months.
  11. If Carlsberg did U-turns.
  12. Hancock will probably help his neighbour set up a lucrative hot dog stand.
  13. The Dalaï Llama has won the treble with Sunderland on FIFA. MLF.
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