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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Defenders shouldn’t be allowed to become managers. Snuff that shit out asap.
  2. Garbage. These cunts couldn’t win the fucking bingo.
  3. We either tax the rich or we eat them, just give them the option and get it fucking sorted.
  4. My mackem marra says the current name in the frame is Frank Lampard.
  5. @wykikitoon Does your work do random drug tests? If yes then get one sorted for him, if not then let him know you heard it was being implemented and see his reaction.
  6. She is a Deliveroo driver now apparently. Yes.
  7. Clousy Phobes ffs. What’s next? Nukey Hols?
  8. Put them inside and stop sitting on the floorboards.
  9. Minor revision with apologies.
  10. This is a brilliant signing both for the player and the free transfer.
  11. I’ve just learned that there's no Bob Geldof statue in Ethiopia. What more must he do? Unbelievable.
  12. Always quite fancied his mum.
  13. I’ve read the court documents for this. Deeply disturbing.
  14. Sunderland will return first as ever, around midnight, as they have to fucking prove to the nation how important and special they are. And good at counting.
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