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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Isn't this a crime? Conspiracy to have someone lamped or summit?
  2. There must be a precendent somewhere when the whole management staff were hated by the fans? What happened? Is there any manager who would appease us?
  3. Fuck it all man. The wrath, can you feel it Mike?
  4. The repercussions of this are staggering. Poor Kev, been fighting these cunts for months. He'll sell ASAP to any fucker who'll give him just enough. Freddy to buy back at discounted rate?
  5. Seriously WTF is gonna happen next? He'll get fucking lynched, they all will - it'll be like 300 or something....FFS I am fucking livid. just on the train back up north too, I'm in toon for a meeting tomorrow, anyone wanna meet up about three with some white lightning and pitchforks? YOU SET OF TOTAL FUCKING IGNORANT GREEDY FECKLESS CUNTS, YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH DOING THIS! YOU ARE FUCKING WITH A WHOLE COMMUNITY YOU MORONS, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK IT'LL BE OKAY?
  6. will certainly be interesting/frightening to see how much support is lost through this, it could be enormous. Scary.
  7. on .com Update: KK KO Kevin Keegan has resigned as Newcastle United Manager. More to follow....
  8. I've just had a thought, do you reckon Keegan was REALLY upset with him downing that pint at Arsenal?
  9. when is fonejacker coming back? TV is SHITE!
  10. Would you have it any other way? I would fucking hope so.
  11. For only having three words I've been reading this post for quite a while. what does it say?
  12. Different ones. I've got my mate Gates on the case. Promised all season ticket holders would take part in his clinical trials. We can handle a bit of Gigantism. I have to handle that every day lad.
  13. Just something which doesn't cry out "I have nothing to say here" would suffice. any other handy tips? maybe an undercurrent of bigotry? an excessive use of swear words and clichéd stereotypes? Come on Stevie, you're clearly a past master. Too much tea is bad for you marra.
  14. c'mon Mikey you teabagging freak!
  15. New Macdonald's Steak titbits, for when you have voracious insight.
  16. Assault, classic, you sure they are the right notes though? Fair play to you, what do you use? I haven't managed to upload nowt yet like. Feckless tbh.
  17. $42 billion, 6th richest man in the world worth almost double roman abramovic :wank: :wank: :wank:
  18. Stevie have you considered starting a thread on this, just to see if that itself breaks the threshold?
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