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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. [insert Wacky joke] Seriously, that's fucking crackers, don't suppose you happen to own a flamethrower?
  2. They are almost identical to Bolton aren't they? He'll do fine there. Bottled Sunderland IYAM
  3. trophyshy


    most unlike that cunt not to be prostituing himself for the role, speaking of cunts, has Allardyce whored himself out yet? Why, yes, he has But getting back to Souness, how can he have the gall to rule himself out of any job at all? He claimed that what happened to him at Newcastle put him off future management, seriously we could all claim that tbf.
  4. trophyshy


    maybe his ticker's not up to it?
  5. trophyshy


    No, honestly. Look... A clear trend. ...and we've got the second oldest Manager in the league. fuck me backwards lad.
  6. There's loads of funny banter at the match man, admittedly I'm always too pissed to recall any of it. And so is everyone else. Almost everyone else.
  7. Did you find those on facebook Laz?
  8. Considering energy production is the single greatest cause of the evil scurge that is CO2 I expect christmas to be banned within a few years. Followed by demise of Easter, Wimbledon and the Royal Family. Spits.
  9. trophyshy


    Good, I was getting sick of trying to work out which way he was looking.
  10. The lad must stay like. This is an opening offer....Kashley just trying it on. Never accept the first offer EMO.
  11. trophyshy


    Noelie, happy birthday fella!
  12. how little will they take for him? £3m I reckon
  13. big girl, I suppose he stopped fighting because of this mild fracture. back in my day we used to break our legs to make them stronger.
  14. mildly jealous about the FTI like.
  15. aas gaanin the pub, then poker night, then all night knees up in some seedy den, enjoy yersels!
  16. The XIth commandment, NEVER GO BACK. You have proved this twice already MVB managed it tbh.
  17. Sorry to hear that Wyk. You tried though eh? Don't put that Elvis song on for fucks sake. Get yerself some mistletoe and you may procure some fresh cameltoe.
  18. gonna pull? I thought that question was likely.... I'll be reporting here with (empty) baubles on if I do.
  19. Surprisingly, this year the public body I work for is putting on a 'lavish' do for all staff (several hundred), with champagne reception, food, free booze and some sort of discotheque, all night long, all night. Just wanted to let you all know I'll be drinking as much of your money as I possibly can
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