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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. I was buying a mug in that hut when it came on the radio Keegan was manager, first time round. pure Magness!
  2. bored at the games or frozen-spunk horizon?
  3. trophyshy


    TOONTASTIC: 0 to Useless Cunts in 106 minutes.
  4. Lazy bastard, give us the really obscure stuff man
  5. Can you imagine life without football? Think about it. Male conversation would be decimated. Indeed. Materialism, Film, Music threads to explode. We might even have to face and discuss the serious dilemma we face, the inevitable horizon of empowered lesbians and a frozen-spunk world.
  6. to quote Moxy; "Anyone want some pork scratchings?"
  7. You are a silly, precious and petite fool. Didn't you state in another thread that you had hoped for JK to have suffered a stroke? Now whether you also stated that you wanted him to recover from it or not is totally irrelevant. Wishing ill on someone is one of the lowest acts. It makes your comments on what I think on this topic stupid and they carry no weight whatsoever. eh? aye. what he said. He's six foot iirc.
  8. Can you imagine life without football? Think about it.
  9. I was so cold that night, coldest I've ever been I think. I agree with all your post, but I don't like being bored at the match, sometimes I go with a spring in me step up them stairs, or lift most the time, I reckon in terms of entertainment, the league reached a peak 96-2002, since Mourinho came to England there has been a noticable tactical shift in football, English football was all about heart, now it's about the head, even for piss poor clubs like Everton, and it's boring as fuck. Actually you've made me think a bit more here. It's all fucking cock these days. Boring, predictable cock, perhaps the odd moment of genius or intrigue but largely cock. I used to never miss MOTD as an absolute minimum of my footy interest, NUFC aside, but now - who gives a fuck? Bollocks man. What next?
  10. pfffft, you just have to get yer balls out and annoy and hassle people to get what you want man. BARNET BARNET BARNET!
  11. I was bored at that Fulham away game last season. There was a fucken hilarious bloke behind and I turned around and started cracking on with him and his mates for about half an hour, just didn't watch the game. Another good thing about away games, you're not sat around the same people week in week out. I watched the game on tv yesterday, I'd had a pretty big weekend but that's no excuse for dozing through the second half, it was boring. To answer your concern Stevie, I think it was an equation of issues pushing you to apathy. Down to ten men, no realistic chance of scoring, they were pretty poor, our fans are rather jaded, we expected to get beat (at least early doors), our creativity and expectations low etc etc.....at least that's what I put it down to. Sucks though, feeling bored during what should be one of the highlights of the week. Just ask wor lass.
  12. Is that Sam's brother like? Ah shit, Sam/Sean, same thing! He still complimented my hairstyle, like! Don't suppose you happen to have a picture of the barnet that Sean found so lovely he felt he had to mention, do you?
  13. Met Richard E Grant a couple of years ago, I got him to autograph a ticket I got for breach of the peace the night before
  14. Please tell me you shit in her mouth, even if you didn't (though why you wouldn't at least try, fuck knows).
  15. I've met Paul Hartnoll, Moby, Erez Aizen and Amit Duvdevani (Infected Mushroom), Daniel Kitson, Michael Elphick. shared a flight from LA to London with Robin Williams, though obviously we were in different areas of the plane. Think I met Squarepusher at a festival too, bit vague that though. I've met a few famous aussies but they meant nout to me so I have forgotten them, and someone from Shortland Street too. Tall skinny bloke. My mum used to play (in the toddler sense) with Trevor Horn and my brother works with Richard Hammond's dad, how's that for elongated? Oh yeah I met this old geezer last summer who regaled to me the tale of how he figured out a way to bring the price of pills down from £15 to £5 in the early nineties and was mates with Mr C, he was, as it happens, Ebeneezer Good!
  16. I once handed George Michael a paper towel in a public restroom.
  17. This macabre circus is merely an inevitable extension of our immoral and depraved fascination with "celebrity" rather than genuine goodness or achievement. Capable of so much and yet here, what's this I see? Dancing on Ice you say? Rightio. Having experienced similar circumstances, I perhaps understand the sadness a little more than some, but noone came and gave us a million quid to make things easier, nor for millions of others left behind in the wake of this cunt of a disease. But it's not Jade's fault, that's for sure, she's milked the system that made her, all the way to the bitter end. On a lighter note, didn't she call that Bollywood lady Shilpa Poppadom?
  18. 35 mins on the tube, about 6 miles. I travel outside of rush hour, get into work around 10. Never asked permission for this like. Have to agree with Stevie, perhaps with less venom , but most office workers are dullards. I have given up trying to be friendly, as they just have nothing to give. Met one good lad through work and I have been there over 2 years. I couldn't work from home all the time though, not disciplined enough. Xbox or porn, Xbox or porn, hmmm there's beer in the fridge and it's after 11 etc etc.
  19. GFC? Global Finance Clusterfuck?
  20. to paraphrase our manager, he's a cunt.
  21. Let him go man, total liability and I can NEVER find a cheese stottie in toon anymore.
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