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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Tenuousness exemplified. He's dressed pretty shabbily these days. Probably been on the catnip, circling the M25 these last few years.
  2. trophyshy


    But Fop is nothing without the usual suspects, just like manc-foplite is nothing without Fop man. Thanks for this, every now and then I like to remind myself why I have you on ignore. There's a lot of petty asinine shit on here these days, what with this idiot savant (he'll take that as a compliment if I let him) and the tragedy of danny b. I used to laugh a lot more. Perhaps it merely reflects the demise of our club. Or maybe I got serious.
  3. "I'm Michael Owen and I will quite simply never have enough money, hence I am prepared to hock myself shamelessly, like a drunken maggot-riddled prostitute, to anyone who will offer me enough money to save me having to scrimp on helicopters, ferraris and whatnot. I am slightly better than Jade Goody in that I scored a good goal in the world cup and have a fading modicum of talent but fuck me am I going to exploit it to the max. You see if I don't" Pathetic this. Celebrity is a fucking obscenity. He is by no means the worst, of course.
  4. At least arsenal and chelsea have some decent players and are in the thick of it, not that even that excuses such blatent rectum-rapery.
  5. hells fucking bells man. Thieving cunts.
  6. £47?!! is that for ONE?
  7. really sorry to hear that mate. I on the other hand walked out of my job this afternoon and am very close to quitting....maybe an opening there for someone.
  8. can someone do Shearer as Red Adair?! this is going to be an exciting few weeks if nout else. I'm hopefully going to spurs away and going to try go to villa away too (praying it'll be over by then)!
  9. Al insisted on writing the press releases too then?
  10. fucking shit most of the game imho
  11. Is he wanking a horse? He's wanking a horse! What kind of message is that to send to our kids?
  12. Obviously he is not as engaging as KK but how can you be so sure he is very aloof? I think he (sensibly) maintains a certain persona on tv but reckon he's actually a bit of a joker and a man's man. I don't think he'll quite get the players expressing themself to KK's level but he will probably inject more backbone, which is what we need for now. Had a mate went to do work at his home. Naturally he was extremely excited when Al (his hero) answered the door. High Alan, im from such and such and Ive come to..... Its Mr Shearer, not Alan came the reply. He was gutted. Not exactly the most damning evidence like but I can understand that would make you feel inferior. Maybe MvB was justified too. It might be a right pain in the arse being that famous. But, maybe your mate is the cunt here, you ever thought about that?
  13. Obviously he is not as engaging as KK but how can you be so sure he is very aloof? I think he (sensibly) maintains a certain persona on tv but reckon he's actually a bit of a joker and a man's man. I don't think he'll quite get the players expressing themselves to KK's level but he will probably inject more backbone, which is what we need for now.
  14. Had a celebratory pint with my bro at lunchtime and I wouldn't be surprised if Kashley has been trying to get Al for weeks. Al has been playing chicken with him, saying I'll come but not without these conditions. And likely those conditions (get shot of Dennis, decent cash in the summer, control of transfer matters, decide backroom staff etc) will all be commensurate with what KK would have wanted. The irony is staggering if this is true like. Shearer to bring KK back? I think we'll stay up now, I really do. edit: no, it wasn't a pint of gin.
  15. I bet he's relieved. I'm sure even he'd admit he was out of his depth. Out of his depth of field tbh.
  16. Lovenkrands to score the winner off the bench in the last 5 minutes. Okay okay, equaliser. We'll still go nuts.
  17. Can you imagine Shearer in a post match interview? Barking at the lads, celebrating when we score and (ffs) win? It's all quite exciting really. Let's hope he gets a real taste for it. Let's hope he has dictated terms to Ashley who has perhaps finally realised he can't have his cake and sell it on at a profit. Shearer must surely have an ambition to win something with us eventually.
  18. I was in a training session yesterday (ran by my company) and this fat little Aston Villa (wank club, wank fans) cunt said it would be a "joy" if Newcastle went down. I was close to getting myself sacked, anyway I had as firm a pop at him as possible and he leapt into the whole deluded over-expecting fans crap. I am SO FUCKING SICK of hearing this, we never fucking win nowt, how the hell can we over-expect? Don't we just want to be involved and competitive, where our support belongs? If we got relegated the league and the media would be notably worse off, the news coverage today emphasizes the point perfectly. Wank brummie cunt. Think I might track down his email address and give him some abuse. This is, as has been said, probably the best we can hope for and if we go down now at least we'll go down as a raging fury and not a limp biscuit.
  19. I've somehow missed this until today
  20. 10's not bad for a colt-sucker Hope you're feeling better these days.
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