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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. You'd want to get "my wine gums" or something underneath, shirley?
  2. was emailed this by me fatha, James Hipwell edits for the Guardian I think but not sure where the clipping is from. Could of course be bollocks.
  3. Trampoline wank? Washing machine, works best if you hoy a few oranges in there too.
  4. He's on £500k per game, even if we go down, apparently.
  5. I wanted it nicked actually. The fucking idiots should have just tried the handle before writhing it off.
  6. fop your advice, humour and sarcasm remain without equal on the internet.
  7. fop, shame you weren't around after the Titanic sank to tell everyone the potential dangers of icebergs.
  8. gash. The neck is neither nowt nor something. that blank white is awful, the black was bad enough. As suggested, it is specifically like that to screw more pennies out of you because who wants that blank canvas on your back? Reject their squad numbers and shitty players names. Suggestions on what image to get printed in there....here's mine...
  9. If you can't blame it on immigrants there will be no interest in this thread. We're due another anti-charver thread. They're definitely on the rise again. Housemates already played the Chav card. Plus they, quite handily after living here for 18 months, told me that is a bad street to park in.
  10. factory fitted alarm, never heard anything and it was 20 metres away..and I was sober last night. many flashing LED's innocuous car too, deliberately own one to prevent this sort of shit (lived in Sunderland for a while, even my lowly Volvo 340 was regularly assaulted and ultimately written off there) my excess is £150, will lose 2 years no claims. Will the insurance company pay out on stolen CD's? They have also stolen the rear view mirror, good really I fucking hate looking back anyway.
  11. Astronauts aren't screened at all for mentalists like. They generally just find them poking around this weeks offers in Aldi and ask them if they fancy a couple of weeks in an exotic all inclusive destination.
  12. aye, fuck the conspiracy and universal truths, we can sear our tasty ribs outdoors for a mere £50.
  13. just discovered my car has been savagely violated whilst minding it's business last night. handle removed, centre console removed, steering wheel surround (and associated controls etc) all smashed off. Wires hanging about, stereo twocced. a failed theft, which is going to be a lot more hassle and expense than if the useless fucktards got it right. the state of this country, no-one can fucking do anything anymore.
  14. no surprise really, he has yet to have a win and the owner is a cocknose. He's trying to keep us up in the hope cocknose sorts shit out in the summer. Cocknose is going to go down as one of the worst chairmen in British history. Joy
  15. nowt worse when they fuck up the crack like.
  16. We're staying up man, I had some free voul a vents and Skol! Awesome post mate, fair play to you.
  17. how many threads on this board just end up in two people going at eachother? is toontastic Swahili for bickering tossers or something?
  18. Narrr, it'll be Jonas with a last minute equalizer. We will finally get to see him go mental, and NUFC fans everywhere will be doing the exact same thing. If that actually happens I want more than a spidey-mask, I expect him to spunk an enormous black and white web all the way to the Malvinas.
  19. can we get back to attendances please lads? tsk.
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