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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. this is a bit more like it, I think.
  2. fucking hell I knew all the sensible cunts would pile in here. where's the fucking "go for it man" loons? we are about to merge with another company so there is the chance of redundancy but every day in here is another step along the wrong bastard path, at least the path is littered with beer, shiny things and psychedelics, I guess. ffs, am I going to HAVE to find another job first? common sense sucks.
  3. After weeks, actually months of thinking of getting out of this soul destroying place I am literally just about to quit. I have nothing to go to but a fair bit of cash behind me. I want to totally change career but not certain to what yet, I am just losing integrity here daily because I couldn't give a fuck. The thought of quitting makes me both happy and anxious. Has anyone done something similar and what's your story? It's gonna happen this afternoon really, I just wanted to hear a success story or two.. Cheers
  4. just shut the fuck up, on general principles, for once in your life.
  5. Collective unconscious v materialist world view. Get going on that. Parramatta is a shithole, I'll give you that. I'll have a crack as I'm on a dull train journey but will likely get bored and end up on lolcats. Seems to me that we have an innate drive for improvement of our lot and this is heavily exploited by others for the improvement of their lot. We are parasites upon each other. Exploiting fears and desires. A women's magazine with a beautiful airbrushed model on the cover and impossibly perfect skin ubiquitous throughout is also rammed full of make up adverts, surgery adverts, aaaah you're shit adverts. You are not good enough, not good enough until you have a marble top kitchen surface to chop your crushed marble cocaine on. Not good enough until you drive your 5 mile daily commute in a gas guzzling monster machine, not good enough until all your friends think you are a total arsehole so you have to get new ones who are sucking from the same spiteful teat. We have largely moved away from spiritual matters which encourage a more pious or modest existence because this is not really useful for progress and the gang bang. With the brakes of higher concepts removed progress and rape become faster, easier. Maybe we have moved away from spiritual matters because so many tranches developed that we now equate spirituality with religion and religion is an unmitigated disaster for our species. Our collective unconscious is driven, deeply mistrustful and exploitative. It has never agreed upon higher philosophies, therefore base ideas come to the fore. This is a natural bi-product of evolution. Driven + Exploitative + Mistrustful = let's fuck each other over ad nauseum. Just typing out loud really, feel free to refute.
  6. If we don't beat boro that's surely it, isn't it? We are so shit I just cannot even imagine us scoring a goal anymore. All I see is Vidowtins smacking it into row z or scuffing to the keeper. Maybe everyone feels this way. Maybe we are going to get us relegated through mass telekinesis, like Carrie killing all of her friends. Okay then, let's all agree that we will beat Boro 1 nil. If we all visualise it then maybe, just maybe it will happen. 1 - 0 is realistic enough. This is what the NUSC should be doing, encouraging fans to pre-agree a result and then mentally make it happen, even down to the goal scorers. They could get Tony Robbins to podcast this. 1-0, Viduka to score. Believe it.
  7. Earth as we know it and have evolved upon it on a phenotype by phenotype basis (i.e tiny life span in universal context) is perceptually in a steady state. Sun sets and rises, moon and stars familiar and mappable, seasons are fairly reliable, etc. But I don't really understand what you want to discuss so should probably just leave this to the resident mentalist.
  8. martin's and deacon are both players i think will do well once released. As will several others. We spoil players.
  9. trophyshy


    Happy Birthday! I'll send you a special gift if we get a point or more today.
  10. KD do you recall what shoes MvB was wearing?
  11. that joke now on these pages so many times Peter Schmeichel should sponsor it.
  12. often battered never coped!
  13. It's the way he tells 'em!
  14. I was equally drunk on both occassions however in Benidorm was not engaged in casual discourse with some chirpy cockney cabby at the time. Benidorm probably shades it.
  15. Like those key rings you used to get in Benidorm? (Probably still do tbh). Quality bit of nostalgia. Just reminded me of a blow job I had in Benidorm. Quality bit of noshtalgia.
  16. Tony Robbins has a micropenis. FACT.
  17. I also wish queue jumpers would go to hell too. Nice tidbit.
  18. That's really interesting, do you know which tribe? Do they take it one step further and kill eachother with kindness?
  19. we used to play it with pigeons tbhtbs
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