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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Aliens landing tomorrow is more likely. They land every day tbh,
  2. Ashley "Magic 8 Ball should I employ Shearer as manager before the club is sold...?" Magic 8 Ball "Your a twat!"
  3. Can't we all just fucking wait for Jimbo's Television of Truth. I'm really sick of all this speculation and gobshiteing.
  4. I've seen the future, I can't afford it.
  5. I hate to break this to you buddy, but we ain't no god damn Premiership Club, and the Championship don't mean diddly outside these shores. To be fair trophy, we are a Premiership club in everything but league position. The right investor would not look at us as a small club to make big, but a big club to return to glory. Most of the work is done for them, we have the stadium, the reputation, the facilities and the support. Yeah, I knew what you were alluding to really and don't disagree, but we are currently in the shop window at BHS and not House of Fraser.
  6. I hate to break this to you buddy, but we ain't no god damn Premiership Club, and the Championship don't mean diddly outside these shores.
  7. has anyone seen 'W', thinking of giving it a spin?
  8. He is going to get so much shit for the rest of his life for this astonishing debacle. That's the silver lining. He'll never live it down, as he cruises the world on his luxury yacht, sleeping on a pile of money, surrounded by beautiful ladies.
  9. Yeah agreed, all fuckface wants is to lose no more money. This is fucking terrible for a million reasons, we need a buyer, yesterday, who is prepared to back the club and not just invest cash but NURTURE the club and be open with the fans, two of Ashley's biggest failings tbh.
  10. When you say 'take administration' is this a bit like Deal or no Deal? Serious question, can we take it at a time of our choosing? Or is it something forced upon us by an inability to pay our debts?
  11. Per Ciljan Skjelbred, Per Ciljan Skjelbred, Per Ciljan Skjelbred When he gets the ball he chucks his ring, Per Ciljan Skjelbred.
  12. Nice one Asprilla, makes me feel better about being fucking terrible!
  13. trophyshy


    Next season is already a right off as he'll be gearing up for the World Cup. It's 2011/12 when you can really run the rule.
  14. We wouldnt look out of place in the top half of the table imo. We have a good manager, a quality stadium, a huge following and if we get the right players in, then like i said earlier, the future is bright. Your club on other hand.................................. The reason your on the back pages as much as you are is becuase of the simple fact that your club is in such a state atm, the majority of stories are mainly about who will take you over, will Shearer be manager and which players will be staying/going. Exiting stuff! if thats anything to be proud of then im happy for you. Your Friendly Mackem mask is slipping mate. You can't say anything we don't already know, all you are doing here is trying to rub our noses in it. It'll end in tears. Shall we do attendances yet? What are you doing here? Im not trying to rub anyones nose in it mate, im just having my say as a Sunderland Supporter. I was quite happy leaving it as it was with my first post, but for some of you to come back and say we are obsessed with your club and how big you think your club is, then i thought id say something, thats what a forum is for isnt it? God I can't beleive I'm getting drawn into this but fuck it, it's Friday after all... No, no-one thinks that. That would be fucking ridiculous. Totally agree and you have hit the nail on the head. It is rather tedious, but there are still a lot of the people who follow the same football club as you continuing to revel in our demise. Fair play to them, but you are effectively agreeing that it is pathetic. Like yoursefl I imagine, I just couldn't be arsed, but there are probably a number of people who follow the same team as me who could be arsed if the roles were reversed. Sad all of it really, given our obvious similarities outside of which fucking terrible team we follow. Is it just banter? I suppose it is, maybe your lot are keener banterers in our direction? Does that feel better? I won't be drawn into the big club shit, we are fucking rubbish at the minute, you were rubbish very recently. We both have quite a lot of fans and live on a river. Fuck this, I'm off to get smeshed. Have a good weekend all of you.
  15. We wouldnt look out of place in the top half of the table imo. We have a good manager, a quality stadium, a huge following and if we get the right players in, then like i said earlier, the future is bright. Your club on other hand.................................. The reason your on the back pages as much as you are is becuase of the simple fact that your club is in such a state atm, the majority of stories are mainly about who will take you over, will Shearer be manager and which players will be staying/going. Exiting stuff! if thats anything to be proud of then im happy for you. Your Friendly Mackem mask is slipping mate. You can't say anything we don't already know, all you are doing here is trying to rub our noses in it. It'll end in tears. Shall we do attendances yet? What are you doing here?
  16. Attain, assuming the meteorite weighs 5 grams, can you please calculate the kinetic energy with which this struck the boy?
  17. Slightly OTT imo, he should of at least waited till she'd stripped naked.
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