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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Worst case scenario is Mike refuses to sell it cheap, the players insist on staying and keeping their valuable contracts and due to considerable drop in revenue we run out of money/Ashley refuses to put any more in. We can't pay our bills and adminstrators are called in. Can anyone with expertise (Johnthebrief?) outline the pros and cons of this and the likelyhood, based on current information/circumstances. Thanks.
  2. has been touting his arse to Wolfsburg http://www.sportinglife.com/football/cc_ch...MHD=nationwide1
  3. That's what I'm saying, it was all destined to go to shit no matter what because the owner himself is a turd. The other players are all bit parts. I don't know about your last point Alex, maybe. I think he had a load of cash and wanted to show off a bit and have some fun. Once he uncovered the debts he didn't know he had bought he perhaps decided to not throw much money at the club. If I can be objective, it is going to be interesting to see how it all ends. It's looking like he is going to make himself keep it rather than take a massive loss. Fuck knows where that will go. Subjectively, I'm just gutted at the mess we are in and our ongoing misfortune.
  4. Ashley's first mistake, and woeful it was too, was to announce that Allardyce wouldn't have been his choice of manager but he would see how he got on. This obviously pissed BSA off who then knew he was likely to get his contract paid off sooner or later. ££££££ If BMA had backed BSA from the off things may have been different, but Ashley would undoubtedly have dropped a cacophony of catastrophic clangers regardless. All this mess is Ashley, not the fans, not Allardyce, not Keegan. Ashley.
  5. The land is, I think, on lease from the council. As much of a twunt as he is, is he prepared to completely dismantle such a huge institution?
  6. This is a total disgrace. John Doran who started the violence should go down then on August 7th then? Stevie will give him a nice wedge for taking the brunt. Money beats the law again.
  7. DEREK LLAMBIAS has revealed that “more than two bids at £100m” have been received for crisis club Newcastle United. What you saying now LLabia you piece of shit? Where's your boasting gone? Cuntofaman. How many is more than 2 anyway? 3? If it was 4 surely you'd say more than 3? So these three bids then, all been revoked or seriously dropped after some book reading. If three parties have all come in and had a look and reduced their price is Ashley really so much of a mug as to think someone else will come in and buy it in the slapdash manner he did? (don't answer that ffs) They are probably offering as much as anyone will given the situation and that will be dropping on a daily basis. Ashley you have fucked this up so badly it is beyond comprehension, take your loss, sell it to the best placed organisation and GTFO.
  8. Nah thats a way off yet, ask John the Brief (lawyer specilising in insolvency) he has posted plenty of stuff about this on other forums. Where is this John? Get him in here, assuming he'll hang around long enough to say something.
  9. Are you comparing assets with trading loss/profit?
  10. things were so bad under the last owners like That's a bit unfair, the last owners did pretty well in comparison.
  11. Always choosing anal, aren't you?
  12. Well, wherever you have been has been like a holiday for us.
  13. History? Check out the scientific analysis of "kettleing". Yes, it was a historical piece. A search on 'kettleing' and 'science' brings up this hit first; http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/in...15306#msg215306 Fascinating stuff indeed.
  14. trophyshy

    Old Boy

    Not at all fucked up.
  15. trophyshy

    Old Boy

    Enjoying this, thanks for the tip off.
  16. Again how can I possibly comment on a season that was 20 years ago, I was 4. I don't know the reason why the gates were so low then, it doesnt make sense to me as i've got several videos from that mid eighties era with Villa, Ardilles, Hoddle, Waddle and we were fantastic. I would hazard that the economic situation had some to do with it, Thatcher era... I do take issue with those saying I'm not renewing because its a farce and manager isn't installed and Ashley is in charge BUT preach about how fan fucking tastic it is you have 25,000 true supporters that have signed up for this season. Don't take credit for it, it aint you thats sticking by the club no matter what. Fair weather fans. Fairweather fan, eh? I can't speak for anyone else on here but I'm not renewing because I'm out of work and I won't give Ashley a cash injection when he won't buy or sell anyone and is looking to bail out. I don't want him taking my money as a leaving present, thanks. I'll still be going to games, money permitting, (I have a wife and two daughters,) so I'll still do my bit, just like I did my bit in the division 2 days, in fact, I'm probably the opposite to a fair weather fan as I was left outside when times were good at SJP, so to be labelled fair weather does make me laugh a bit. I don't know what it is about London, but you really do have a higher percentage of bulls knackers who talk shite as easy as the rest of us breathe. You have missed my point and though I may be winding people up its not my intention. My point was there are fans on here that say in one breath "its a fucking joke, ashley is a cu** no way is he getting a penny of my money, we are playing like crap etc etc" say in the next say wow look how many have signed up for the next season DESPITE the situation, NUFC is so amazing we have he best fans in the world and all that bollocks. Taking double standards to a new level Sorry lads but he is right. I wouldn't renew for the reasons given above, so by inference the people who have renewed (who weren't committed to it/didn't fight it) are just taking loyalty to daft levels. We can't have it both ways.
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