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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. 14 second hand on eBay already. One to rent I think!
  2. Source? Holding out for 15m from Barca in Jan apparently.
  3. I bet he's done fuck all all summer, he's a great player and could do a job no doubt but it'll take him 2 months to get in shape then he'll do his back in bending down to pick up a turkey twizzler.
  4. I'll confess my level of sadness. Sky sports news on in the background. Tabs open on computer Toontastic Newcastle online (Redheugh watching / hoping) Chronicle transfer ticker thingy Google news search for mike ashley f5 And who is caring for the menagerie?
  5. Mystery players, does that mean Gonzales is coming back?
  6. Ashley will definitely start splashing the cash when we get promoted. Nailed on like Jesus that.
  7. Sea is 90% depleted ffs. There will literally be nothing left soon, but you tuck in to your tasty swordfish and don't worry about it.
  8. Milan is severely lacking in road signs like.
  9. I'd sew a few seeds in her. Few rabbit punches might sort her eye out too.
  10. this Redheugh business seems a bridge too far to me.
  11. Retrospective punishment the way forward iyam. If the refs don't have the balls to sort these play acting unsportsmanlike twunts out then the players should know they still have the risk of bans and bollockings from a panel of impartial bastards. It's either this or give the refs tazers. Wenger's only happy when he's moaning. Bet his wife is a fucking angel. While I'm on, can we have technology involved in the game too? Ridiculous that they are resisting this when just about every other sport has succumbed to common sense. WTF is their problem with goal line cameras? That is all.
  12. Thanks Cid. It was a tad zut alors. My overriding assumption is that he was a mentalist, but then I was in some bizarre offshoot of France...
  13. When I was in Montreal two weeks ago I saw a street petitioner, with his table, with his propaganda. ALL of his pictures were Obama with a Hitler 'tash. He was calling Obama the new Adolf. Now with hindsight I should have listened to his case but I was too busy looking for a non sports bar. N. American cousins, what say you about this slander?
  14. 'I think we're approaching end game. Do you think we're approaching end game?' 'Nope' 'Neither do I'
  15. Play Ashley out Keyboard Cat!
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