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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Whatever happened to “the will of the people”? Absolutely shameless snakes.
  2. You get through some brews lad. Are you sleeping okay?
  3. Is Almiron going to have a goal of the month competition by himself?
  4. I think Burn is our weakest spot. Not that he’s bad but he is occasionally slowish to turn. Presumably Ed believes his stature offsets this enough to keep targett out.
  5. Yeah. They have fucked this up so spectacularly they cannot be allowed to continue. The people are going to have to intervene.
  6. We should fucking riot for a GE. We won't, but we fucking should.
  7. Zero contrition, she didn't even look bothered - smiled her way through. Absolute sociopath.
  8. I think the blackouts might do it. Huddling together around burning cars will keep people warm, as will running from tear gas and horses.
  9. We need a national strike with a large dollop of rioting to oust these cunts.
  10. My dispenseroo.com order just arrived, happy days.
  11. I worked in government on sustainability stuff in the noughties. I was at the time advocating for adaptation as well as mitigation, but it’s harder to profit by providing resilience. It was obvious, even under Labour, we had fuck all chance to turn it around. Sustainability issues were almost always the least weighted factor in any project. Sometimes 10%, often 5. Then the Tories & Lib Dems (“Greenest Government Ever”) came in and slashed all the green budgets. I walked away. Despite my degree, beliefs and hopes, the money machine is simply not for turning. It’s laudable to try and fix things, at any level, but it ain’t going to happen. Pissing in the unseasonably hot wind. The future is programmed now. Buckle up Susan, try and be a decent person, enjoy your life and eat less cows, you fat heffer.
  12. The second best thing is kill them if you did.
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