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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. tbf we throw two huge parties each year at our place, and invariably invite the local community but they tend to go away for the weekend.
  2. That is honestly the first and last time I felt any real sense of community in the UK. I don't know what that means, but there it is.
  3. anyone remember the Queen's 25th Jubilee?
  4. mine did (although my mum was part time) so what you're saying is that at least one parent should stay at home and look after the kids?? and that would solve all societies ills would it?? No, where did I say that?
  5. how the FUCK have we moved to a society where both parents work too? Then govts/teachers moan that parenting standards are shite. Consumerism breeds greed breeds consumerism. Almost no families had two parents working in up to the 80's. Greed imo, we have been conned to think life is better with a better car, a flatter tv, a fatter gut.
  6. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/254...ing-cities.html
  7. 'all governments are liars and murderers' people who crave control should automatically be denied it
  8. I want out. How do you get out? Lemme OUT!
  9. They already are, what do you think these green taxes are all about??
  10. Selling off all the stuff we owned into rich private hands remains a disgrace. It ultimately means that almost everything is about profit. Is that really the way to go? Hospitals for profit? Is nothing sacred? They'll be charging us for air soon, you wait and see.
  11. Didn't know that, wasn't the Sky bridge about £15 too?
  12. more rabbit than Sainsbury's? Sell it all, all the stuff we own. Give it to the rich and charge the poor to use the stuff we paid for in the first place. The rich ruling classes latest, greatest trick. There's no escape lads. We are ruled by greedy idiots. NUFC is a microcosm of the world at large.
  13. Congrats you lot. I'm about ready to commit to severely reducing my hedonism in the near future. I'll let you know if they still actually work.
  14. Religion used as a vector for political moves. Whodathunkit?
  15. Bobby Brown raked her clems out with his bare hands.
  16. Well eventually they are revealed as fantasy, parents just stop one fantasy short.
  17. You honestly don't see religion as a problem internationally? I presume you don't operate from a "doesn't affect me so I don't care" pov so I would find not seeing it as a problem to be strange tbh. Enjoying his ironing too much to give a fuck by the sounds of it. Steam trippin.
  18. praying 5 times a day is the second biggest waste of human time after ironing.
  19. Aint going to happen This place will be a graveyard come Friday Don't top yersel CT, it's not that bad man.
  20. ???? Even in the UK the impact is tangible and wrong imo - elsewhere it's definitely worrying. Perhaps you could say what tangible impact religion has. I can't really prove the lack of impact (like we can't prove the lack of god ) I know Songs of Praise is annoying on a Sunday night. Christ on an infinitely massive cycle at the end of the universe. How long have you got?
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