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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. how will the little one take it? hope you bounce back soon mate, either way.
  2. To paraphrase DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, "click click click click BOOM!".
  3. every google search causes a rare frog to explode in Guatemala
  4. well you haven't been particularly pro-active in helping him find a buyer, have you Alex?
  5. he's got us all over a barrel tbh damned if we do, damned if we don't. as previously posted patience is probably our only option.
  6. Obviously there is no magic wand. There is no cure for cancer yet either, plenty of people trying to find one. I'm not talking just about people. I am talking about mother nature, I am talking about protecting what remains. Our current global approach is near unmanaged capitalism, which largely turns a blind eye to conservation and non-human species. Do you think we should try to preserve the diversity of life that remains on earth or not? Is the fact that we are the top of the pile justification to exploit everything to the max? Should we accept some responsibility for the beautiful orb that allowed us to evolve. Allows you to feel love, to laugh, to cry, to want to kick 7 bells out of Ashley? The loser you talk about is your own planet. Loss of biodiversity is losing something we don't understand. The cure for cancer may have already been lost in clear felling the Amazon to provide grazing space for McDonalds. No need to apologise for your views. It's not like they are uncommon or controversial. I am trying to enlighten you, however I freely acknowledge I am too idealistic for my own good. Ashley out.
  7. You are still refusing to answer my repeated question about rationalisation of energy use and properly managing our resources - these are significant outcomes of the drive to combat climate change be it bollocks or not. Over populated and resource limited planet - fact. This agenda does represent a major opportunity for us to start living in a more sustainable manner.
  8. If NUST had its own really really big pub then this would be a doddle pud.
  9. so unlucky to have both those things happen at once like.
  10. are you a sponge or a stone?
  11. All funding been dedicated to the traditional shitholes in N Tyneside. I agree though, they want shooting for letting that happen.
  12. There is also a can of highly flammable pressurised liquid to spray into your air intake when your car won't get going. It's called 'Start Ya Bastard" Here are the Start ya Bastard girls..
  13. Your baubles are floating here CT. Come on then, what you getting off Google next?
  14. Mother nature intended? By mother nature I assume you mean generally life? There is no intention...it is mutual interdependence that has evolved over billions of years. evolution is not an intention or a plan. The first consciousness to get involved is ours. This mutual interdependence is now completely off kilter. Did mother nature intend that? As the 'highest' product of mother nature do you think we owe her any responsibility whatsoever?
  15. http://en.cop15.dk/news/view+news?newsid=2193 the problem with something as big and complex as the earth is that conflicting science can always be found. I think the real conversation is about responsibility and sustainability. You can keep nay saying climate change but what about the fact that we only have limited resources, what about greed, what about the destruction of thousands of species and lost habitat for the sake of indulgence, wealth or 'progress'?
  16. I didn't realise you were that old CT.
  17. start an e-petition to ban feckless e-petitions
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