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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. here here Wyki. Problem with a welfare state is too many people see it as their right to rob the rest of us. If you can't find work after 1 year you are either retrained, employed to do something essential but perhaps undesirable, or shot and fed into a biomass burner which provides heat and energy to a hospital. You decide.
  2. trophyshy


    I use three or four types of chilli in one dish, to give a balanced and consistent heat that is present immediately and lasts as the dish ages. Although occasionally chilli is hotter the next day, invariably the heat is lost over time. This just means I have to add Blair's Original Death Sauce or similar to lift it back up again.
  3. I thought the focus of this season was maximising revenue? I'm very disappointed by this change in tack. I had just got my head around supporting capitalism.
  4. MOTD The Football League Show is for highlights. With a proper buzz on and some curry dribbled down me top.
  5. They were black though weren't they? And no, I haven't read the fucking article.
  6. In Britain we have the best of both worlds. We pay for it and the taxpayers pay for it too. Danny's a genius.
  7. trophyshy


    let the chilli wars commence!
  8. Can't see it happening. That quote from Decca looks like he is pissed and/or making it up on the spot.
  9. trophyshy


    Never tried thyme in it, will have a go. Quite partial to combining rosemary and chilli myself. hmmmmm....
  10. trophyshy


    Jolokia is suprisingly tasty. Like I said I love chilli.
  11. trophyshy


    I love chilli, have it usually twice a week. Use Bhut Jolikia (sometimes known as Naga Jolokia). The hottest chilli on earth at over 1,000,000 scoville units. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoville_scale I have, once, burned my stomach.
  12. fucking ridiculous like. Get the rumour to her that you are now on heroin and living in a squat.
  13. meaningless without pics tbh.
  14. Raised over £12k for PCC doing 3 peaks and C2C, plus if I try and grow a tache it's so pathetic it makes me look 13. However, there's a tenner for whoever posts the best tache up here at the end of the month. Good luck lads.
  15. When you hire you pay to go on their insurance.
  16. Ground that one out. I didn't see it all but I did spot a couple of things; sometimes we knocked it around very nicely, first touch stuff keeping possession, secondly; how the fuck is Jonas an Argentinian international?
  17. the backlash there has already been, it will be interesting to see if anyone comes forward. If not, and I imagine he planned this as a fall back, it will be Sports Direct Arena.
  18. My ex was always saying that she had never cheated on anyone and would never cheat on me, high morals etc Lying bitch, fell for a right greaseball and compromised her sacred rule Although tbf we were on our last legs anyway. I'll buy you some consolating ale if you happen to pass this way back home, I promise not to discuss the environment.
  19. ffs. time to redouble your booze intake methinks.
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