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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. This fucking stinks. Surely you should be able to get one untainted by capitalism? Do I have to pay a premium to avoid being a meat banner for some corporate fucks? I know patriotism is a flawed concept anyway, but tying your nation to a commercial operation? What if I don't want to advertise some shitty beer but still want to support my team? MUST I associate myself with some scumfuck bank or failed institution? I wonder if people one day will be choosing which team to support through their advertising associations? This is only a step or two on from supporting a team because they won something or have a Retardo in their team. D&G to sponsor Lazio, corner the poncey end of the market. Aldi cement their relationship with Sunderland by giving match tickets away with every frozen turkey. Selloutism FTW ALL the fucking money ends up in the pockets of the players anyways, and they are a right set of spoilt cunts these days. I mean it's not their fault, they're living the dream, but our role models, our kid's role models - are so far isolated from reality. Another fucking Bentley, another fucking Scandal, another outrageous pay rise. Salary caps ffs. We need to bring the game back to a sensible level, the football bubble must burst.
  2. I have one of these.. http://www.testfreaks.co.uk/mp3-players/sony-nwz-b142f/ very pleased with it as it is loud and the sound is rich, drag and drop and charges via usb port. 3 mins charge gives 90 mins playback iirc. weighs nout and has an in built mic so you can record your own farts etc.
  3. suspicious package through his back door? this baiting has gone too far imo.
  4. It has little natural fit with being terminally cynical
  5. trophyshy


    have a good day mate
  6. good to see Doug Stanhope on Newswipe these days. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...ient=firefox-a# While I'm posting, Michael Mcintyre is a disgrace. 'Have you noticed, right, how some people hoover like this and others, well, they hoover like this!' Absolutely fucking pathetic.
  7. I didn't see you trying to prove me wrong though....... because I can't be arsed, you are unprovable man, there's simply no point bothering. plus I've no interest in seeing your cock.
  8. Keep looking and applying and don't get discouraged. Every interview is a step to a job, you learn from them all.
  9. trophyshy


    tbh there's a bit of history and if iirc Fish kicked it all off.
  10. memorize ALL the fruit and vegetables.
  11. I'm just pleased he's got involved tbh.
  12. I'm with you snake. Looks dark orange to me too, but I'm using a Mac.
  13. trophyshy


    recently I made chestnut chilli linguini. very simple, a bit different and tres delicious.
  14. That's not very hippocratic Luke.
  15. trophyshy


    He asked for an interesting fact. Okay then, dog hater.. Geordies are so called because the city was the only one in the North East that supported George I and closed its gates to the Jacobite army.
  16. trophyshy


    I'll have a go Stevie. Did you know that the world's first dog show was held in Newcastle in 1859?
  17. found on a forum... http://www.raymond.cc/forum/general-forum/...-five-live.html netconceal ,download that and select uk proxy ip ,works for iplayer too good luck!
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/fivelive/
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