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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. You should ask him if he would like a fight.
  2. Trippier starts but not Pope or Wilson.
  3. It would be amazing. Suck each other off if we score too. Hung for a sheep as a lamb.
  4. Imagine striving your entire life to go to play at a World Cup, the supposed pinnacle, and it ends up being this absolute horseshit?
  5. He should keep his hands to himself.
  6. I was getting off the ferry to France yesterday. With a pram trying to negotiate passing through a sprawling queue. This woman had left her bag on the floor and I was standing patiently waiting for her to move it, or at least herself, so we could pass through. After a second or two she realised this and elected to back away from her bag creating the necessary passage. No words were spoken as they were unnecessary for this banal and innocuous moment. We made our way and once I was a few metres past some lunatic said to me “excuse me, the lady had a bag there!” Ordinarily I’d laugh something this ridiculous off but I’d been cooped up sober with my kids for four hours and was simmering away nicely. I felt Wykiki’s Rage coursing through me. So I turned back toward him and watched his arse drop as I approached. “And?” was about all I could muster through the mist. He immediately started apologising but I wasn’t in the mood for that. “Would you like a fight?” I found myself saying, “because I’ve got two little kids so am up for it”. Fucking hell man. He declined and I felt a tinge of disappointment. The apologies continued. Be kind, or at least neutral, to people with little kids. You never know when some over-tired, under-sexed parent is about to go fucking postal with all the rage they withhold from their little shits. Canny start to the holiday.
  7. It’s going to be £12 for 500ml of Budweiser, the only booze.
  8. It’s a terrible PR move for the Saudis.
  9. Deliberate by Putin? What a cunt. Still, he who blinks first blinds us all, as my drug-addled grandmother used to say. We’ve had a decent run really. Got far enough to invent VR, Deliveroo and those unbelievably good blowjob machines. Must buy some more batteries.
  10. You can't bottle something until you almost have it, so we will see. You can, however, get glassed at any time.
  11. Why is it unlikely? Arsenal are famed bottlers. We have nothing to lose.
  12. Get a border terrier man. Cute as fuck and actually have a personality.
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