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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. exchange rate is woeful, you will find it expensive until you start earning $AU
  2. He was an awful candidate when he actually got the job.. Because he forgot to do it with an Italian accent tbh. I hope he get's a chance to manage in Japan.
  3. There's only one fat capitalist bastard.
  5. okay I'm home now, less cranky, could someone share the love with me please....
  6. Score please, not just OMG's. Ta. x
  7. trophyshy


    Much better sound quality than spotify.
  8. http://funpics.classicfun.ws/index.php/Fun...enis-1328008051
  9. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/19092010/58/...ns-everton.html
  10. such cutting comebacks Kev, you should make this your avatar...
  11. google 'squeegee clunge' man. You're greener than the Hulk's clems Kevin.
  12. Fist, have you ever seen any filth lad? Or been invited in to squeegee any clunge or owt?
  13. nice way to double your post count I suppose. Welcome to the board SB
  14. On balance, we've all been wandering round with advertising slogans on our chests for a few decades now. Just another step along in the commercialisation of NUFC. I suppose it would be more palatable if we were competing where we really should be, but we're seemingly a high st bargain basement kind of club now, funny that.
  15. Freddy's hands are a bit unkind.
  16. Amen, or whatever atheists say, brother.
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