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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. for the out of towners who haven't yet memorised our history; http://www.nufc.com/2010-11html/league-record.html 11th btw, Division 1.
  2. "Chris is our manager" Didn't they say they were going to keep their fool mouths shut?
  3. Sorry to hear that and hope you avoid it. What does your place do? Sack people, mostly. In a nutshell, we are public sector advisors. So it's hardly surprising.
  4. 50% redundancies announced at my place today. Severance day to be New Year's Eve.
  5. regrettably already has a pearl necklace.
  6. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport...James-Park.html
  7. It is entertainment after all and rarely is it entertaining to look at a woman with a moy like the Matterhorn. Lord Sugar knows this, despite his amazing email phone.
  8. I was at a conference yesterday and a scouse councillor, a scouncillor if you like, made a huge scene because of a perceived slur on his town. It was a fairly innocuous comment from a speaker, and no other English race would have stormed out of the meeting shouting the way he did. An elected representative ffs. It was all I could do to not shout "Chicken Griever!" as he stormed out. Thanks for that Stevie. I later heard his colleague, also wearing the chip, state that 'Liverpool is always the butt of jokes. I mean, we have the world's greatest comedians, but that's a different matter'. Victim mentality combined with a superiority delusion. Unsettling.
  9. trophyshy


    running Notting Hill carnival is a pretty big ask like, it's no wonder you are rarely on here Fish.
  10. didn't you mean to post that in the materialism thread?
  11. the vague drum and bass reference above provides adequate excuse to share this gem;
  12. Doubtless some twit wooed her. Can you get mine plz Fist, thx.
  13. trophyshy


    Love that episode like. Wistfully skimming stones and hits the old fella in the rowing boat who starts chasing him. Gold. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTY1MzY2Njg=.html
  14. trophyshy


    second best priest.
  15. Skilful player smashed by thug, almost as old a story as Adam and Eve. Fucking gutted, he could have been the difference between a consolidating, exciting season or another relegation battle. Hopefully there's enough in the team to keep us going. Optimism waned somewhat lately.
  16. Was War and Peace a paragraph every sentence too?
  17. fuck fuck fucker, hoy fucker, pop, fuck FUCK!, fucker, oh no I've said too much...
  18. indicating the size of his knob hence the miserable expression?
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