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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. trophyshy


    Best wishes Noelie mate.
  2. Ring Raiders. I have, still in my fathers loft, a black bin bag full of empty lager tins. Offers?
  3. tbf it was a geordie who put the icing on the cake. If scousers are that great why is your team full of imported fannypads?
  4. go on then Andy, have a shot, you're only any good in the air.
  5. Who was manager of the toon last time you were in The Star like? Jack Charlton?? I was in there before the Villa game, Best Scotch was £1.80
  6. if that's true they should be arrested, surely?
  7. CT never tires, never sleeps, never gives up, never gives in. He's like Terminator Odie.
  8. get in the Star, still only £1.80 a pint. (which is half what I pay down here)
  9. What's "a better still"? making their own booze now, further radical cost cutting.
  10. some anagrams; pal earn wad wad are plan? war and plea penal award darn ape law Dawn are lap pad near law wan rape lad and of course; warped an'al
  11. Viz creator says piss up a rope, fuckstick. http://www.sabotagetimes.com/football-spor...n-army-join-me/
  12. South African Whiskey that tasted good over there, tastes very average back here.
  13. waiting to see what Hitler makes of all this n'all.
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