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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. What a fucking tool she is. Some sort of rake.
  2. The ground clearly needs a better window cleaner.
  3. for all the toontastic dads keeping it real...
  4. You'll bend over and take it or you'll be sacked, Pards.
  5. trophyshy


    He was here last night, hence the bump, but he either missed it or ignored it. At his age either is fair enough.
  6. fair play, thought someone had said that here last week but perhaps that was just what they were expecting to have to pay!
  7. Bummer. Black eye Friday? Aye, pissed as a fart, was out for a mates 40th, I'm certain I know where it is but it'll have went for a walk by now, just looked at the driving licence carry on, £20 to replace it, the bastards and you can bet your bottom dollar NUFC will milk replacing my ST. Someone on here said the other day it was £60 mate. Sorry about your bad luck.
  8. I feel happier than I have done in a long time. Yay to redundancy and the pause in reality that Christmas brings.
  9. (to help me make a playlist for a party)
  10. trophyshy

    puma tops

    Kevin's guns the battle cry.
  11. trophyshy

    puma tops

    You might want to sit down when I tell you this, ready? Ok, you don't HAVE to make a post about everything that comes into your head! I know, I was shocked too but it's definitely true, I checked on Snopes.
  12. Bet you're glad it's stopped smelling like your cock. At least I've had some pussy recently.
  13. my cat's breath smells like cat food.
  14. good stocking filler; http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/natu...recipes/5198959
  15. how about; Andy Carroll's got nay pecs got nay pecs got nay pecs Andy Caroll's got nay pecs Neither's Henda.
  16. What's wrong with shopping at Primark like?
  17. that's only one thought. his 'footballing brain' makes up for a fair bit of lost pace but he is clearly a squad player. A canny one all things considered imo. Cost nout, won't be getting much and probably able to impart of lot of wisdom to the yoof.
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