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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. trophyshy


    Some of the warrantys make it worth it now i guess, Hyundai will give you an 8year one and you don't even have to get it serviced with them, long as its done every year by a vat registered mechanic they'll honour it. I guess if you can afford a new one why not, always nice to have something no one else has owned before you. if your the kind of person buying a new one to change it after a few years mind your a mong, Aye, fair call on the warranties. But still the reality is that as soon as you drive it off the forecourt you lose perhaps 5 or 10% of the value. I'd rather someone else lost that and I'll buy it shortly thereafter. But maybe I'm a tightarse and put money ahead of that 'new car smell' and a spunk free dashboard.
  2. this is how I did it http://pixlr.com/editor/ use Nyff's cut out of Stokoebear - http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/5837/stokoecutout.png resize it before you copy and paste it into your image (you can upload your backdrop or paste in a URL) and then adjust the hue/brightness etc to suit the image.
  3. trophyshy


    Why do people buy brand new cars? Serious question.
  4. I was once beaten up by Sunderland fans and smashed a few Geordie pubs in Henda, happy to talk about it mate.
  5. I'm sorry I can't, I am going to Rob Lee's Improv Night.
  6. ask them for their autograph while they are working?
  7. I think almost all films are kack, but the King's Speech is fucking brilliant. Several outstanding performances portraying a familiar human struggle against an extraordinary and historical backdrop. Deserves all the accolades it should get.
  8. The whole thing seems like a pig's breakfast to me. They have, before having a solid platform, rushed in to do all this philanthropic community work, which is laudable but unfortunately blurs the focus on what they are there for, unless I never really knew what they were there for in the first place. I joined because Ashley made a series of massive blunders and alienated himself from the fans; I wanted to be part of a fan driven, enabling, passionate and unified voice of discontent and ideally negotiation and progress. Ambitious I know. I will and do support other worthy causes outside of NUST, but now I just feel like NUST is a vehicle for incumbent egos to do other stuff, if I am wrong or confused about that then messages have been misconveyed or I've missed some critical info. I may be way off the mark and am happy to be corrected, but if I feel this way chances are a good few others do too. Just open a fucking pub and be done with it.
  9. just heard it confirmed on 5live, £18m plus add ons up to £24m EDIT: Stevie a bigger mackem than me.
  10. No; its a non-profit organisation with an unsalaried board. Some trusts do have salaried board members (MUST) but not NUST. To my knowledge the Rob Lee dinner is the first event that's specifically stated itself to be fundraising for their community projects. To be honest I'm quite happy for them to do that as I'd rather membership fees were just banked and saved for when they might come in useful for the Trust's primary aim. Holding individual events to fundraise for the other activities is a good idea as it stops the "that's not what I paid my dues for" argument. anyone going to the Rob Lee dinner should and will know where their money is going. So which is it, a fundraiser for community projects or a fundraiser for the trust? Or are they one and the same?
  11. Phoenix jones Phonenix? How do you say that phonentically?
  12. I asked them what they were doing about BFMA's tenure, and they ducked the question by saying they were focussing on fund raising. Are the topcats taking a wedge? Are they fucked without a fund raiser every 8 weeks?
  13. can't compete, but fuck it anyway;
  14. Oh, go on then... class thread everyone.
  15. I don't think Dogdoo will be able to motivate the players to the requisite degree as achieved by Hughton. Without that passion, commitment and camaraderie we will be turned over. Hope I'm 'way off the mark'.
  16. Yeah but he won't get 5 months holiday each year like he would at uni so there's plenty time to finish his degree Seen the state of him btw? Looks like he's been taking tips on how to show up at court from Phil Spector. Not wishing to sound like an old fart, but conceding that I do, he wants locking up for the clip of him. First in his family to ever (almost) go into higher education apparently. Mighty pretty mouth on him.
  17. http://www.ufostalker.com/ Look at all those reports ffs. Why would you bother logging on and filling that in? All the respected and senior officials who have come forward with incredible stories, invariably at personal and professional risk, and still the subject is not considered a valid one for open debate. You've seen something unexplainable and you want to talk about it? Well, you are a fucking whacko. Do a youtube search on UFO and just look at what was posted in the last week. Hundreds of millions of people with cameras in their pockets now, collecting evidence of unexplained shit every day. They are surely not all hoaxes and swamp gas and weather balloons? There sure to fuck is something going on. People and the media's denial, and worse, ridicule of this subject is the perfect method for maintaining ignorance, both for those who know and those who don't want to think about it. The odds on extraterrestrial life being proven and announced soon are dropping, I got 100/1 6 months ago. Worth a punt, better than one of Stevie's tips. Obviously I'll struggle to spend my winnings what with all the looting and mayhem. http://www.paddypower.com/bet/novelty-bets/alien-existence Parky does come out with some fascinating stuff, but even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.
  18. Nice analogy but I can't tell if that means consistent or inconsitent? Flaps 15 pts Cunt 28 pts Wankers 72 pts Norks 18 pts Dirtbox 69 seems a canny player to me.
  19. The length of a uni degree! At least he can't complain he's not getting a free education.
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