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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. http://pixlr.com/editor/ just figure it out man Being try all night and can I fuck make this bloody thing work. Is there a basic guide anywhere that explains how to merge two photos off your hard disk or is there an easier program out there to use. You lot have done magnificently and im itching to have a go. (in the morning cos Im off to bed cos my head hurts). Also, should this not be stickied by now. The creativity on show is simply sublime. my cunning plan worked perfectly.
  2. you're only a pro if people pay you for it mate.
  3. aye, but not as well as that.
  4. not still there though is it? or am i just blind? hard refresh. CTRL + F5
  5. http://www.filefactory.com/file/b52288f/n/stokoecutout.png
  6. http://pixlr.com/editor/ just figure it out man
  7. in the banner you daft bugger.
  8. This has the makings of Toontastic's first publication. Nice stocking filler, good for flicking through on the bog.
  9. this sickens me on so many levels. cunts, all three of them.
  10. welcome to the board mate, are you Simpson in disguise?
  11. Richer sounds are doing these...pretty good deal imo. Was £199 in store last week. http://www.richersounds.com/product/lcd-tv...sony-kdl22px300
  12. Clue. Southern Hemisphere, lots of twats. Buenos Aires. I can't think of anywhere in the Southern hemisphere that isn't full of twats. Antartica maybe the exception cos penguins are canny. Suth Efrikka. Wedding in December hence the dodgy beige suit. Was there a "NO BLICKS" sign at the reception? The groom, my mate, is Indian. All whites apart from him and his family. Her family had no non-white friends. It was a cracking day tbf.
  13. Clue. Southern Hemisphere, lots of twats. Buenos Aires. I can't think of anywhere in the Southern hemisphere that isn't full of twats. Antartica maybe the exception cos penguins are canny. Suth Efrikka. Wedding in December hence the dodgy beige suit.
  14. Low blow. had been contemplating taking him off ignore too.
  15. tbf it also looks like I'm fondling him. Best to get that out before there's any accusations of statue molestation flying round.
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