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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. same here.. used FF for years but lately it hangs a lot and movie playback is poor. Chrome flies in comparison.
  2. Hitler was an atheist. Just goes to prove, religion is good. Oh no he wasn't! Stalin was though, but he never murdered in the name of atheism. What was he then? A devious politician leading a nominally Christian country like 1930s Germany will say lots of Christian-sounding stuff to maintain popularity. His early stuff, is pro-christian. Once he is trashing most of Europe he openly despised Christianity. This may not mean he was an atheist, but non-religious at least, unless he was a secret Muslim. I'll do pantomime with you if you want though. It's behind you!
  3. Hitler was an atheist. Just goes to prove, religion is good.
  4. I've already asked Leazes that man! Ok, I'll just dance and wait for the reply. Tell you what, though. Some guy (I think in the Bible) had to choose which of two women a child belonged, as both claimed the brat. Anyhoo, when the bloke (Moses???) suggested cutting the child in half to satisfy both claimants, and one women wailed not to do it and hand over the child to the other lady, the bloke gave the baby to the wifey who said not to harm the child as it was clearly hers. Now then, what I would like to know is: was the other woman ever charged with attempted kidnapping ?? I think LM was taking the piss a bit, if there was a monotheocracy then arguably, not my argument btw, religion has died as there is just one thing and everyone believes in it. No other paths to follow, no other choice. It did seem, however, like just another opportunity to beat one of his drums. I should have banned him from all of them for a week. Edit: I think kidnapping was wasn't so bad back in the day. Let off with a caution.
  5. It's obviously easier for Muslims to walk away when they live in the UK (and not in the over-isolated enclaves in Lancashire etc) than it is in Muslim countries which is why the idea of Muslims "taking over" Europe is so stupid. I agree I don't think they will take over. As liberal as Europeans are, we have fought for and developed our own way of life over hundreds of years which ultimately we will defend when pushed far enough. What is a danger is the proliferation of the enclaves you mention and what that might lead to.
  6. Lord, I'd rather have someone 'experienced', than a virgin. back in the day though, virgins were highly prized as that was the only sure fire way to avoid cockrot. And when you have as many concubines as Mohammed, including a 6 year old when he was 54, it's an important incentive.
  7. Islam is a mental religion though. When people talk about multiculturalism not working in the UK they really mean the integration of Islam, just noone has the balls to actually say that and point at one thing. Everyone else is pretty sweet really. Islam calls for the murder of those who renounce it. Islam/Allah offers extra virgins to those who convert anyone. The word of Allah, a fair old bit of it is questionable to say the very least, can be questioned and debated - as long as in the end you accept the word of Allah. While there are indeed many peaceful and gentle muslims they are absolutely stuck in their religion - it might be socially and familially challenging to walk away from catholicism and others but walking away from Islam is punishable by death. That is some motivation. This isn't racism, by the way. This is the acknowledgement that one of the religions most prevalent on earth is aggressive and restrictive and in many ways still in the dark ages.
  8. Our lass is away so I won't bother with the usual Jamie smashing feast. I'll probably have a tin of thoup innit.
  9. he'd be Litvinienko'd before you could say pipe down.
  10. Neck permafucked thanks to some fucking spastic from Penshaw going straight through a Stop sign and t-boning my car 10 years ago. The compo I got could have been *100 and still not worth the fucking grief. Cunt.
  11. Hughton points per game 1.1875 Rapedoo points per game 1.2143 Pards edging it going on those stats.
  12. didn't 4chan spawn anonymous? genuine question.
  13. getting slightly geekier here...but the finale is pretty tasty, visuals are a nice touch.
  14. CG - nice tune mate. Besty - why you listening to that?
  15. happiness is finding your favourite beer in the fridge when you forgot it was there
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