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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Very inclusive poll this allowing 0 year olds in. I should cut down on the cunting, fucking and shitting if that box gets any ticks.
  2. trophyshy


    happy birthday, sorry about the soundtrack.
  3. I just made roast carrot and ginger soup. Not quite got enough ooomph for me but I think it'll sell.
  4. If there is a hell Fist, you are going to be guest of honour.
  5. one or the other imo. No need for both.
  6. go on, waste another moment. I double dare you.
  7. impressive to fuck up a sauce like, what did you put in it? Diesel?
  8. do you think by typing these things out then they are going to happen? everyone knows all this shit but unless you can persuade everyone in the WORLD to stop watching football then it's not going to fucking change. So stop it with the wanna be keyboard revolutionary garbage And yes, I keep my fish in a shoebox. FFS.
  9. there's no word in Portuguese for paragraph
  10. I'm going to try that later. Mars Bar with milk. Nice.
  11. I wish it could be Father's Day every day.
  12. No it isn't, constantly talking shite is. Oh, they both are. Trust me.
  13. No it isn't, constantly talking shite is.
  14. Wapner gets 78 like.
  15. wuz vagina eyunt handicapped
  16. In the absence of Jimbo, aye why not? Howay DEADMAN what's the crack?
  17. I've been picking up shit like that and twisting it for the last couple of weeks. Funnily enough it's far more entertaining in real life.
  18. We're gonna rock down to Remie Avenue. Oh, hang on.
  19. erm, who is on the other team's forum?
  20. Yeah, right. And I'm David Beckham, btw. Stranger things have happened. Maybe you were David Beckham in a past life.
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