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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Erding is going to cost a bit in booze as well because whenever I hear his name I want a pint. Mind you I could say the same about Ba. Black Sheep?
  2. out of curiosity DM, what score does Smith get on your game?
  3. Gejon - Last Seen: 13th June 2011 - 11:59 AM Hope he's okay.
  4. Easy way to keep the fans happy, 'look at all these new signings!'
  5. cool, are those leather spanking paddles?
  6. save a lot of money if you double up with the pot noodle.
  7. Belated happy birthday mate, you're about 3 weeks younger than me. Bastard.
  8. why wait and see when there's axes to be ground?
  9. wtf is Aurasma? Sounds like something from a Viz classified.
  10. has Kevin EVER had a LOL in the history of the board? Let's see if we can give him one for his birthday, eh?
  11. I think this is my third account on here, first joined in about 04/05. I joined this board because it had the best crack and the least mongs.
  12. A fucking kettle full of them, the gluttonous moonface.
  13. Surely you meant glass, not class, what with that amazing internationally renowned museum?
  14. never really showed much potential.
  15. Isn't this the second time we've done this?
  16. Well the CSA tried to pin him on me when I was at Uni and I guess he'd have been around 3 then... so he'll be 10 or so. Been getting a Fathers Day card on and off from about then. Some of them have messages like "Mummy says you're no good, but I know you'll come back to us one day", this one just said "Dear Daddy, fuck you" He's a funny funny guy... Brilliant.
  17. starting loads of threads is a sure fire way to unpopularity. Limit yourself to one a week I reckon.
  18. Couldn't hack the goldfish bowl.
  19. he sounds a canny bloke how old is this bairn of yours?
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