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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. good to know you've got your indoor hat on.
  2. there's definitely a Brighton sub-OOT group, at least three of us benders down here.
  3. worth hoying this up directly, though it'll put HF's nose out.
  4. Ah, now that's bull. I'd say that out of 200 random people who were at Glastonbury, 198 would have heard of Woodstock. Like you said Stevie, your music knowledge is akin to CT's football knowledge, so it's understanderble that you haven't heard of Woodstock, but it's a hugely famous festival and has more references to it in popular culture than Glastonbury does. It was a one off concert even The Beatles didn't turn out for. First time I'd heard of it was on Forrest Gump. Glastonbury is the most famous annual music festival in the world though, it really is. I doubt if many people will even remember Glastonbury in 40 odd years time. By the time Woodstock came about, it was all over for the beatles bar the shouting so its not surprising they wren't there. What the fuck? Is this a wind up? Glastonbury has been going for 40 years man.
  5. Ecstasy and speed. oh go on then.
  6. trophyshy


    Busy making spinach and butternut lasagne. Ball ache to do properly but one of the most satisfying things to eat - lasagne.
  7. It was Australian, locally made on plain brown card. I only took half but the walls were wobbling, carpet turned to ocean and I was awake for 24 hours. The visuals are all well and good but it is the awakening that's the crack. That's something you can't explain really, you just end up sounding like a hippy cunt. Start with a low dose and wait at least 3 hours before having any more, if you must. Be in a comfortable environment where you have 12 hours space and privacy and with people you completely trust. When the sun comes up go outside, not the city. I'm not advocating it, I'm just being honest - it was good for me. If you are prone to anxiety I would avoid avoid avoid.
  8. Nay point being shy now we've plastered your moy all over the web.
  9. I took acid at 18, it was my second ever drug experience. It was incredible and the insights gained through that and other experiences have carried and strengthened me on my journey. IMO.
  10. I mentioned death merely to carry the comparisons forward, all human activity involves some risk and people are going to die or lose the plot for many many reasons, the vast majority of which I suspect you are not against. If not your role, what was it that set your stance in stone?
  11. Nitrous is great fun, btw.
  12. This one's for all you old skool ravers out there and a special big up yourself to J69!
  13. Have you heard about Krokodil the awful drug literally destroying people in Russia. Absolutely horrendous, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/eu...es-2300787.html DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO UNLESS YOU HAVE A VERY STRONG STOMACH, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Yfd_7jrnMk Interesting comment....you can put this on youtube but no boobies, the world it fucked.
  14. Camping is great if you're not surrounded by 10,000 radged up thieving gypos and perpetual cacophony
  15. Datura? I've heard some serious horror stories about that.
  16. trophyshy


    Only if you change your name. trophyskag? I was thinking sobershy
  17. Motorbikes, cars, women, children, skydiving, jobs, money, etc etc. People snap/die for thousands of reasons.
  18. I'd forgotten about that one. Cunts.
  19. should be a ketamine option imo
  20. trophyshy


    can I have a druggy birthday thread next year please?
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