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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. What about bowling alleys? You can do that on the Wii.
  2. I agree like. I was just saying people like going and it is a bit different to just watching it at home. I go once in a blue moon. make your mind up Alex, as bad as CT these days. You've gone too far this time. Worse than racism tbh feminism.
  3. I agree like. I was just saying people like going and it is a bit different to just watching it at home. I go once in a blue moon. make your mind up Alex, as bad as CT these days.
  4. He does have a point, I was close to shouting at people rustling and fustling their ket bags yesterday. Not to mention the crunching and fucking TALKING to each other. I'm with you DM, fuck the cinema, overrated and overpriced.
  5. not easy to spend £9 on popcorn in your own home though.
  6. I like Cleetoonfan, at least he can be arsed to add to a debate, unlike myself.
  7. Even bathroom is, to some, a little bit too descriptive of the terrible events which unfold in those places. Those faint-hearted souls opt for 'rest room'. Ffs What I'd like to know is where does 'John' fit in to all this?
  8. River Plate fan losing it as they get relegated.
  9. It's a cracking body even if it's not her tbf.
  10. Potter's Last Hallow -in 3D A good yarn and non stop action, hated the last one but this was fun. 7.5/10 Tree of Life. Walked out to the pub with half an hour or this dirge still to go. Fuck me what boring, pretentious cobblers. Avoid. Unless you like that sort of thing. 3/10
  11. makes it even easier for me to never give these cunts another penny.
  12. I don't think ALF has got the cajones or nouse to properly savage edam features, sadly.
  13. You're a blatant pacifist. I beat up hipsters though. How many of me then do you reckon you could take on? One would be ample.
  14. He'll stay because it's unlikely we'll turn a decent profit on him, yet.
  15. It's on BBC 2 FWIW. I sentence Rupert to sitting in his own urine for the next five years.
  16. also n the beeb for anyone outside the UK http://news.bbc.co.uk/democracylive/hi/hou...000/8167512.stm
  17. All this far reaching drama and the most read story on the beeb is "Justin Bieber gatecrashes wedding'
  18. It's the believing it that I struggle with.
  19. Cheers You got a source, cos there's other contradictions... .com says £3.5m Luke Edwards and the Telegraph say £4m. ESPN say £4m Was it not £3m plus £1m if they are promoted next year?
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