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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. We're excited about HBA's aspirations, apparently.
  2. Some sort of cock up I think. Hard to hear this bloke over his whining.
  3. "Good in the spaces early on. 12 minutes. 1 nothing Magpies" A flavour of what you're missing.
  4. The club received no money from SD in 2008 & 2009, in fact we paid the costs for the privilege. Crikey.
  5. Or Wyn's face photoshopped onto a pope statue Wyn fellating a statue of the pope with Mogwai poking out of his bottom?
  6. Just as likely to end up with Wyn photoshopped as the Pope, if I know TTT.
  7. All the more for the rest of us KSA.
  8. She looks a bit like a pig tbf.
  9. I'm looking at that sentence, seeing Fist lurking and waiting for the payoff.
  10. You've lost your edge after all this time Andrew.
  11. Jose's comments would undermine us if our owner and chairman had not already undermined us to the Earth's core. Flippant though that sounds, it's ironic he's accused of that when the very comments he is making are about how they, Dekka and Mike, have undermined the club.
  12. He is apparently in a retreat convalescing in Hawaii. Prepearing himself for a chip from the half way line as a comment on post-industrial capitalism. He might be a bit of a knob but what sort of message does this send out, be a robot or be substituted? If it had gone in would he have been substituted or lauded? Surely flair should be encouraged not punished; it was only a friendly ffs.
  13. Only seen that in The Sun to be fair. If true however, apparently Pardew was happily to leave it after telling him off. But Ashley, ever the moron businessman, wants to fine him as well. £100k probably looks worse than it is - it's 'only' 2 weeks wages.
  14. Ashley's fined him £100k.
  15. Used to get Bros constantly back in the day, fast forward a few years to the early nineties when I had Kurt Cobain curtains used to get Michelle Pfieffer.
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