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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Fair play to you for hoying a pic of your knob up too like.
  2. It's going to be on Sky Sports Radio. http://origin.skysports.com/radio
  3. drank my own piss, quite enjoyed it.
  4. United for Newcastle also in disarray. http://www.unitedfornewcastle.org.uk/our-website/
  5. trophyshy


    You can't spell criticism, how's that for you?
  6. Dropped interest in Merdinc too. Sammy's been knocking a few in, they'll have thought 'fuck it, why spend?'
  7. 56 kilos? Fucking hell mate, get yourself a pie habit.
  8. Man City spent almost half a billion. That table should be the other way around, well done Mike!
  9. If they had any balls then they would be fighting these bastards not taking it up the wrongun. They should launch a campaign to boycourttt the first cup game, papers do actually have some clout, a disgrace they are not using it.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_...nality_disorder
  11. Wouldn't be surprised to see Barton end up there with Gerrard perma crocked. I'll be ignoring every Newcastle game at this rate. That is probably what it'll come to with this regime, they'll only have the truly mong-featured left. Still, it's great knowing that the club is breaking even. GETS ME SO EXCITED!
  12. I hope the fans can get behind the new bank balance, once the cash has settled in we can expect a good rate of interest.
  13. I would pay £15 on PPV to watch that fight. Get 10000 signed up and Ashley would probably go for it.
  14. Joey Barton to win a trophy in the next 2 years.
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