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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. We have been riding our luck a fair bit this year.....
  2. Howay FFS! Did they just say there's more of us than them?
  3. http://www.justin.tv/nufcglen#/w/1969695392 Half time entertainment!
  4. I know a lad who does, ever since he was caught at it his nickname's been Dabber.
  5. It makes little sense to be fair. Rim a term for your ringpiece, or anyone else's ftm.
  6. Have Lightwater Valley and Flamingo Land merged or is Fist on the meths again?
  7. His equally un-illuminatingly glib wife having to be endured on t'radio at work today too . Probably the spawniest plebs in 'showbiz' too . Better Living Through Chemistry and You've Come A Long Way Baby are anything but spawny, tbf. Norman is talented, unlike the vast array of cunts churned out by Cowell et al. She was born into showbiz, so I'll go along with you there. Her dad was canny.
  8. I'm poz, I'm sick of being angry about something I can do fuck all about. I just want to enjoy and appreciate what I can from the team. Something is going right for now, we may well be riding our luck but we may also have turned a corner.
  9. Contemplating a vodka with Tango as there's frig all else in.
  10. http://goalshighligh...ic-cabaye-goal/ What a sexy bastard Was I the only one who was greeted by a very NSFW Adult Friend Finder ad below the vid when I visited that link? Thankfully I'm not actually at work... Aye, that link opens so many windows I had to put an extra bar on.
  11. If you have an afro it goes all out everywhere, so it's the same as cutting a straight hair at a length I imagine. Of course if I was bald like the TT bourgeoisie, I would have this issue I didn't know you were black Tom, sorry if that was racially insensitive.
  12. I was wrong to suggest Obertan would come good. Sorry everyone, he's a fucking spastic. His decision making is so bad, he probably sleeps on his wife and has sex with his mattress.
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