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Everything posted by trophyshy

  1. Constortium isn't the answer man, we need to be owned by a sovvie ring state.
  2. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness.
  3. Would he have done it if we were struggling in 16th?
  4. Did you notice the way he said they had been in touch with several leading branding agencies who had recommended this course of action which they then could not ignore. As if they'd spend the money for a start, but also then passing blame along to these unknown, unnamed, more than likely made up 'experts'.
  5. Aye, that is a story in itself, slipped out accidently imo. Probably Unless he means Smith!
  6. Aye, that is a story in itself, slipped out accidently imo.
  7. I coming home Mike Ashley For the latest Sports Direct Sale.
  8. I suspect Ashley believes he's already paid for all this branding, which is why we'll see nothing from it.
  9. Pissed off I've had to cough up to maintain this site when you could have 'brought in' a sponsor lads.
  10. Llambias has tipped his hand here, 'we're doing this to help us compete with the big boys' 'we'll need this money because we'll need replacements in the summer (when we sell our best players to the big boys)' Which is it we are doing then?
  11. I don't think anyone will 'come in' as Dekka requests. I don't think we'll see this extra money, this will just be Sports Direct Arena until Ashley goes. You're kidding yourselves if you think this will lead to improvements on the pitch.
  12. Rumours of press conference tomorrow renaming the stadium Sports Direct Arena. https://www.facebook.com/UnitedForNewcastle
  13. That is mint. Look more like Hazel to me.
  14. I sometimes drink in the pub and sometimes I drink at home. Am I doing it wrong?
  15. This Hippo thing on C4 now is certainly interesting. Just witnessed a vulture with its neck all the way up a dead hippo's ass.
  16. It would take a genuine superstar to live up to a £35m price tag. He's a decent clobber from Gateshead and perhaps everyone, including himself, underestimated the extra impetus and support playing for his big local team provided.
  17. Playing Newcastle March 8 2012. Well worth a ticket imo. http://leicestersquaretheatre.ticketsolve.com/shows/126520518/events
  18. Done. A truly horrific disease, I hadn't heard of this new development so I'm grateful for the information, encouraging news.
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